

Reduction of Ventilation Air Methane Emissions in the Coal Mining Transformation Process

Redukcja emisji metanu z powietrza wentylacyjnego w procesie transformacji górniczej europejskich podziemnych kopalń węgla

Coordinator: GIG National Research Institute (PL)      

Consortium members: IMG PAN - Strata Mechanics Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences (PL), KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology (PL), The Institute of Chemical Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences (PL),   Universidad De Oviedo (ES),  Institutul National De Cercetare-Dezvoltare Pentru (RO), Dürr Systems Gmbh (DE), JSW SA (PL)

Execution period: 1.10.2023 - 30.09.2026

Aim of the project:

The ProVAM research and development project, the main objective of which is to identify, under in-situ conditions of coal mines, the main obstacles that create unfavourable conditions for the effective implementation of VAM utilisation technology and to find optimal solutions to overcome them. To this end, airflow models will be developed (including the influence of factors), reactors will be tested under laboratory conditions, and verification/validation of laboratory and modelling results will be carried out under the conditions of the Barbara Experimental Mine at GIG National Research Institute. All tasks are aimed at improving the efficiency of existing VAM installations, towards minimising the environmental impact of harmful substances.

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