H2GEO project

New technology for hydrogen and geopolymer composites production
from post-mining waste (H2GEO)

Nowa technologia wytwarzania wodoru i kompozytów geopolimerowych
z odpadów pogórniczych (H2GEO)

Coordinator: KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology

Consortium members: GIG National Research Institute, Institute of Constrution and Architecture of SAS, Institute od Energy and Fuel Processing Technology, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Haldex S.A.

Execution period: 2023-2026

Aim of the project: Development of a comprehensive technology for the treatment of mining waste heaps. The idea of the project is to use separated mineral fractions and fly ash to produce geopolymer composites and to determine the possibility of extracting hydrogen from the gasification of separated energy fractions. The planned activities are consistent with the vision of a circular economy, in which waste generated at the production stage can be recycled and thus become a resource.

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