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Roadheaders; roadheading systems.


Support: steel; mesh; bolting; face-ends; temporary; individual props; mechanized support; bolters; equipment for support installation.


Loaders: gripping; bucket-side-discharge; for ripping the floor and overhead; arm; scraper.


Shearers; ploughs; saws for coal; hammers; cutters.


Cuttability of coal and rocks; cutting: with roof fall, with stowing; with blasting; forcing-in water; water jet cutting; cutting tools; bits; drill bits; drilling teeth.


Mechanized roof support: chock, shield; chock-and-shield; frame; hanging; for stowing; for sandy floor; individual support.


Systems for thick, medium, thin and steep seams. Shearer longwall systems; plough longwall systems.


Scraper buckets; conveyors: scraper; belt; loading elevators; belt conveyors flights; other conveyors; crushing equipment; dischargers equipment; loading spots; surge tanks; pushers; loading and unloading equipment; additional equipment for adaption of belt conveyors for men riding.


Rail-mounted mine cars-universal and special; locomotives; electric traction; self-propelled cars; chain railways; track barriers; track brakes.


Jet pumps; injectors; feeding and collecting devices; pipelines.


Underground railways – monorails and floor-mounted; winches; rope-pulling device; pallets; containers; special cars.


Stowing materials; filling: hydraulic, dry, pneumatic – slung; filling pipelines; transport of filling material; stowing machines; stowing dams.


Hammers; manual saws; chisels; bolters, shifters; wedges; pushers; disassembly pullers, hoists, horseheads; safety winches; devices fixing machines and equipment; legs; sprags; machines for assembly and disassembly; mobile cranes.


Drills; drill rigs; drilling jumbos; sprag pillars; extension arms; manipulators; drill pumps.  


Ventilation and air-conditioning of mines; fans; ventilation reverse; ventilation pipes; ventilation pipelines; blowers; coding devices.


Pumps: for central dewatering; face; for heavily contaminated liquids; pump systems.


Winding machines; winding equipment; conveyances; winding ropes; suspension gears; rope pulleys; shaft towers; equipment for shaft top and shaft bottom – batchers, scales, shaft sinking equipment.


Crushers; mills; sieves; floatation machines, dust collectors; jigs; concentration tables; picking tables; drivers; air classifiers; centrifuges; drum; hydrocyclone; stream and heavy medium separators.


Hydraulic pumps; hydraulic engines; hydraulic cylinders; connectors; manipulators; hydraulic accumulators; glands; valves; seals; hydraulic oils; emulsions; pneumatic drives; compressors; pneumatic engines; dewaterers; oil separators; filters; dividers; fittings.


Parts of machines; elements of drives; control; strength control; construction materials; wear of materials; energy consumption.


Work Safety and Hygiene; accident rate; protection against noise and vibration; protectors, protecting clothing; lighting of machines; dust control; fire hazards caused by mining machines.


Reliability theory; reliability systems; developing software of failure-less operation time and of repair time; attestation; life tests; approvals for exploitation; ageing processes; lubrication; friction; wear. Technical diagnostics.


Reports on business trips abroad; conferences; meetings; fairs and exhibitions; general descriptions of machines and equipment.


Descriptions of plants; technological, economical and organizational progress; unmanned mining; production rates of mines; scientific-and-technical information; forecasting; patents; rationalization; inventiveness; know-how; licenses; work and salaries; finances; personnel.


Mathematics; Physics; Chemistry; branches of knowledge connected with the mining industry; designing and constructing; history of mining mechanization; tests; data processing; optimization.


2018 year

Articles in Polish Magazines

  1. BAŁAGA D., KALITA M., SIEGMUND M., URBANEK A., WALOSZCZYK A.: Designing and testing the automatic water mist fire extinguishing system for belt conveyors. Drives and Control (Napędy Sterow.) 2018 No. 7/8 p. 60-67, ISSN 1507-7764.
  2. BAŁAGA D., KALITA M., SIEGMUND M., KLIMEK Z., URBANEK A., WALOSZCZYK A.: NEPTUN spraying system intended for reduction of airborne dust in KWK Bolesław Śmiały coal mine processing plant. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2018 No. 3 p. 35-46, ISSN 2450-9442.
  3. BARON R.: Concept for improvement of usability features of KOMAG classifying hydrocyclone. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2018 No. 1 p. 29-38, ISSN 2450-9442.
  4. CZERNIAK D., SZKUDLAREK Z.: Stand tests of mobile cleaning device of MUC type. (Masz. Gór.) 2018 No. 1 p. 14-28, ISSN 2450-9442.
  5. DEJA P.: Traction-battery drive of the electric mine locomotive. Electric Machines, Exercise – Books of Problems (Masz. Elektr., Zesz. Probl.) 2018 No. 119 p. 53-58, ISSN 0239-3646.
  6. DOBRZANIECKI P., KALITA M.: Possibility of using the neodymium magnets in machines and equipment clutches. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2018 No. 4 p. 27-38, ISSN 2450-9442.
  7. FIGIEL A.: Conditions for safe testing and taking measurements of electric non-electric parameters in the workings threatened by explosion hazard. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2018 No 1 p. 84-88, ISSN 2450-9442.
  8. FIGIEL A.: Ensuring the technical safety of mining machines and equipment. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2018 No. 2 p. 87-95, ISSN 2450-9442.
  9. FIGIEL A.: Procedures for repairing and overhauling the devices intended to be used in explosive atmospheres regarding the safety aspect. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2018 No. 3 p. 81-88 ISSN 2450-9442.
  10. FRIEBE P.: Stream-and-spiral separators for recovery of coal from coal fines. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2018 No. 2 p. 28-38, ISSN 2450-9442.
  11. GRYNKIEWICZ-BYLINA B., RAKWIC B.: Identification and assessment of hazards resulting from the structure of the wheeled child conveyances commercialized on the Polish market. J. Mach. Constr. Maint. 2018 No. 3 p. 107-121, ISSN 1232-9312.
  12. GRYNKIEWICZ-BYLINA B., RAKWIC B.: Safety of using the book toys intended for children. Paper Review (Prz. Pap.) 2018 No. 11 p. 734-740, ISSN 0033-2291.
  13. JASIULEK D.: Monitoring the operational parameters of a power roof support. Mach. Constr. Maint. 2018 No 2 p. 109-115, ISSN 1232-9312.
  14. JENDRYSIK S., STANKIEWICZ K., JASIULEK D.: KOMAG Innovative solutions in the jig node automation process. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2018 No. 2 s. 65-77, ISSN 2450-9442.
  15. KACZMARCZYK K.: Driving systems in manoeuvring drivetrains. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2018 No. 4 p. 39-47, ISSN 2450-9442.
  16. KALITA M.: Concept of a cycloidal gear intended for electric impact wrenches. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2018 No. 3 p. 57-66, ISSN 2450-9442.
  17. KALITA M., MAZURKIEWICZ A., TARKOWSKI A.: Design and strength verification of the battery and apparatus boxes for the mining mobile machine. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2018 No. 4 p. 3-18, ISSN 2450-9442.
  18. KANIA J., SZWEDA S., SZYGUŁA M.: Analysis of powered roof support withdrawal from the longwall panel in the safety aspect. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2018 No. 3 p. 23-34, ISSN 2450-9442.
  19. KAPUŚCIŃSKI D., POLNIK B.: An innovative power supply and control system for mining roadheading machine. Electric Machines, Exercise – Books of Problems (Masz. Elektr., Zesz. Probl.) 2018 No. 118 s. 129-135, ISSN 0239-3646.
  20. KONSEK R., DEJA P.: The new solution for the power supply and control system of mining auxiliary machines. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2018 No. 4 p. 67-77, ISSN 2450-9442.
  21. KOWOL D., MATUSIAK P., ŁAGÓDKA M.: Possibility of increasing the effectiveness of coking coal fines production by increasing separation efficiency in secondary beneficiation of middlings in a pulsating jig. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2018 No. 2 p. 53-64, ISSN 2450-9442.
  22. KURPIEL W.: Concept of the battery management system (BMS) with active balancing system. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2018 No. 1 p. 60-70, ISSN 2450-9442.
  23. KURPIEL W., MIEDZIŃSKI B.: Properties of lithium cells under operating conditions. info 2018 No. 10 p. 44-48, ISSN 1642-8722.
  24. MADEJCZYK W.: Determination of welded mesh claddings’ load-bearing capacity. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2018 No. 4 p. 19-26, ISSN 2450-9442.
  25. MAJEWSKI M.: Configuring the control circuits to increase safety of mining machines Part 1. Safety functions. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2018 No. 1 p. 71-83, ISSN 2450-9442.
  26. MAJEWSKI M.: Configuring the control circuits to increase safety of mining machines Part 2. Emergency stop. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2018 No. 2 p. 78-86, ISSN 2450-9442.
  27. MATUSIAK P., KOWOL D.: Development of KOMAG pulsatory jig. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2018 No. 2 p. 40-52, ISSN 2450-9442.
  28. MICHALSKI W., KOWAL L.: Mobile container platform – an innovative solution of vertical transport. Drives and Control (Napędy Sterow.) 2018 No. 11 p. 113-115, ISSN 1507-7764.
  29. NIEDWOROK A., MICHALAK J., ZYGMANOWSKI M.: The influence of AC ripple current component on warming up process of fixing cable elements. Electrotechnical Survey (Prz. Elektrotech.) 2018 No. 6 p. 115-120, ISSN 0033-2097.
  30. NIEŚPIAŁOWSKI K., RAWICKI N., WÓJCICKI M.: Closed circuit cooling unit for electric motors of a mining machine. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2018 No. 3 p. 47-56, ISSN 2450-9442.
  31. NIEŚPIAŁOWSKI K., RAWICKI N., WÓJCICKI M.: Mobile driving-and-pumping unit for cleaning the electric motors cooling systems used in the mining industry. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2018 No. 4 p. 58-66, ISSN 2450-9442.
  32. PIECZORA E., DOBRZANIECKI P.: About requirements for diesel drives used in hard coal mine underground working. Mining – Informatics, Automation and Electrical Engineering 2018 No. 2 p. 31-39, (40-48), ISSN 2449-6421.
  33. PIERCHAŁA M.: Testing the acoustic silencers. Arch. Acoust. 2018 No. 2 p. 313-321, ISSN 0137-5075.
  34. POLNIK B.: Universal electric drive system increasing the technical safety of mining machines. 2018 No. 7-8 p. 24-27, ISSN 1642-8722.
  35. RAWICKI N., NIEŚPIAŁOWSKI K., WÓJCICKI M.: Automatic and semi-automatic filters for the mining industry. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2018 No. 1 p. 49-59, ISSN 2450-9442.
  36. SIEGMUND M., BAŁAGA D., KALITA M.: Testing the parameters of spraying stream form fine-drops nozzles. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2018 No. 3 p. 3-13, ISSN 2450-9442.
  37. STANKIEWICZ K.: Mining control systems and distributed automation. Mach. Constr. Maint. 2018 No. 2 p. 117-122, ISSN 1232-9312.
  38. SUFFNER H.: Cooling systems for exhaust gases of mine diesel drives intended for hard coal mines. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2018 No. 3 p. 67-80, ISSN 2450-9442.
  39. SZEWERDA K.: The concept of the numerical computing methods for analysis of operational conditions of bucket wheel excavators. Opencast Mining (Gór. Odkryw.) 2018 No. 4 p. 66-73, ISSN 0043-2075.
  40. SZYGUŁA M., MAZUREK K.: Hydraulic rescue support to be used in areas threatened by natural hazards. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2018 No. 3 p. 14-22, ISSN 2450-9442.
  41. ŚWIDER J., SZEWERDA K., HERBUŚ K.: The method of tuning the control algorithm of selected operating parameters of the AFC. Engineering Modelling ( Inż.) 2018 No. 66 p. 72-80, ISSN 1896-771X.
  42. TALAREK M.: Direct ignition tests of electrostatic discharges from non-conductive surfaces. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2018 No. 2 p. 3-12, ISSN 2450-9442.
  43. TOKARCZYK J., TUREWICZ A., DUDEK M., SZEWERDA K., PIECZORA E.: Computer aided process of configuration and evaluation of auxiliary mining transport means. Drives and Control (Napędy Sterow.) 2018 No. 7/8 p. 68, 70-75, ISSN 1507-7764.
  44. TUREWICZ K.: Selected problems of strength analysis of Koepe pulleys in hoisting machines by the FEM method. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2018 No. 4 p. 48-57, ISSN 2450-9442.
  45. WOSZCZYŃSKI M., JENDRYSIK S., ROGALA-ROJEK J., KANTY P., KUREK N.: Automation of testing the try load to columns strengthening the subsoil. Engineering and Construction (Inż. Bud.) 2018 No. 2 p. 84-86, ISSN 0021-0315.
  46. WOSZCZYŃSKI M.: Model of intelligent system for monitoring and diagnostics of photovoltaic panels. Drives and Control (Napędy Sterow.) 2018 No. 5 p. 70-73, ISSN 1507-7764.



  1. BARTOSZEK S., KOST G.: Method for positioning of a roadheader in a roadway. KOMAG Research Projects - Monographs No. 55, Institute of Mining Technology KOMAG, Gliwice 2018 p. 1-164; 8,31 Publisher’s Sheet, ISBN 978-83-65593-13-9.
  2. GRABKA L., SPAŁEK J., SZWEDA S.: Identification of reliability of sealing nods for regenerated shafts of the mining machines driving gears. Innovative Mechanization Technologies and Techniques, Monograph No 20, Institute of Mining Technology KOMAG, Gliwice 2018 p. 1-133; 8,01 Publisher’s Sheet, ISBN 978-83-65593-15-3.
  3. JENDRYSIK S., KOST G.: Method for controlling the bucket conveyor in a jig beneficiation node. KOMAG Research Projects - Monographs No. 53, Institute of Mining Technology KOMAG, Gliwice 2018 p. 1-117; 6,28 Publisher’s Sheet, ISBN 978-83-65593-09-2.
  4. ORZECH Ł.: Acoustic method for testing the single electrostatic discharges. KOMAG Research Projects - Monographs No. 54, Institute of Mining Technology KOMAG, Gliwice 2018 p. 1-149; 8,37 Publisher’s Sheet, ISBN 978-83-65593-12-2.
  5. SIDOR J., KLICH A.: Modern machines for comminution – crushers and mills. Institute of Mining Technology KOMAG, Gliwice 2018 p. 1-393; 20,74 Publisher’s Sheet, ISBN 978-83-65593-10-8.
  6. SZEWERDA K., ŚWIDER J., HERBUŚ K.: Method of parameterisation and selection of control algorithms for AFC’s. KOMAG Research Projects - Monographs No. 56, Institute of Mining Technology KOMAG, Gliwice 2018 p. 1-220; 14,47 Publisher’s Sheet, ISBN 978-83-65593-14-6.


Chapters in Monographs

  1. BAŁAGA D., KALITA M., SIEGMUND M., URBANEK A., WALOSZCZYK A.: Conception of mist fire extinguishing system of belt conveyor drives. Work safety of transportation equipment in the mining industry. Monograph, scientific editorship: Andrzej Tytko, Marian Wójcik, Centrum Badań i Dozoru Górnictwa Podziemnego sp. z o.o., Lędziny 2018 p. 154-162; 0,60 Publisher’s Sheet, ISBN 978-83-936657-9-2.
  2. JENDRYSIK S., BALCARCZYK L.: Monitoring of resources and machines in a process of raw minerals recovery from mine heaps. Mineral Aggregates, Volume 2, Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology of Wrocław University of Technology, Wrocław 2018 p. 61-67; 0,46 Publisher’s Sheet, ISBN 978-83-946706-5-8.
  3. LUTYŃSKI A., LUTYŃSKI M., KSIĄŻKIEWICZ W., ŁADA J.: Current status of coal gasification development. KOMEKO 2018, Innovative and Environment-friendly Technologies and Techniques of Processing Mineral Raw Materials. Safety - Quality - Effectiveness Institute of Mining Technology KOMAG, Gliwice 2018 p. 116-134; 1,37 Publisher’s Sheet, ISBN 978-83-655993-11-5.
  4. MADEJCZYK W.: Stand test of powered roof supports unit and its components. Powered roof supports for rock burst hazard conditions. Multi-author collective work under Kazimierz Stoiński’s editorship. Główny Instytut Górnictwa, Katowice 2018 p. 39-71; 2,11 Publisher’s Sheet, ISBN 978-83-65503-09-1.
  5. MATUSIAK P., KOWOL D.: Use of intelligent solutions in production of mineral aggregates. Mineral Aggregates, Volume 2, Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology of Wrocław University of Technology, Wrocław 2018 p. 133-142; 0,57 Publisher’s Sheet, ISBN 978-83-946706-5-8.
  6. RYNDAK P., DŁUGAJ J., KOBYLECKI M., KOWAL L.: Pietrykowski Mining and Processing System in Belarus – comprehensive delivery of hoisting machines for deepening the shafts and run-of-mine transportation. KOMTECH 2018, Innovative Technologies and Techniques for Mining. Safety - Effectiveness - Reliability, KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology, Gliwice 2018 p. 69-82; 0,99 Publisher’s Sheet, ISBN 978-83-65593-16-0.


Papers in Conference Proceedings

  1. KURPIEL W., MIEDZIŃSKI B.: Properties of lithium cells under operating conditions. Conference Proceedings: SEMAG 2017, XXVI Scientific and Technical Symposium, Automation and Electropower in the Mining Industry, Mysłakowice n/Jelenia Góra,, 28-30 May 2018 p. 6-17, ISBN 978-83-947677-1-6.
  2. MALEC M.: Improvement of work safety in mines - results of KOMAG research projects. Conference Proceedings: 25th World Mining Congress, Innovation excellence - step forward to mining growth, Astana, Kazakhstan, 19-22 June 2018 p. 13 unpaginated.
  3. POLNIK B.: Universal electric drive system increasing the technical safety of mining machines. SEMAG 2017, XXVI Scientific and Technical Symposium, Automation and Electropower in the Mining Industry, Mysłakowice n/Jelenia Góra,, 28-30 May 2018 p. 28-36, ISBN 978-83-947677-1-6.


Papers in Conference Proceedings on Web of Science and Scopus

  1. KOWOL D., MATUSIAK P.: Technology of fine coal grains recovery from the mining waste deposits. Conference Proceedings: MEC 2018, Mineral Engineering Conference, Zawiercie, 26-29 September 2018 p. 1-12, ISSN 1757-899X.
  2. LESIAK K., BRZEŻAŃSKI M.: Concept of the exhaust system for diesel engines used in underground mining. Conference Proceedings: KONMOT 2018, International Automotive Conference, Krakow, September 13th-14th, 2018 p. 1-6, ISSN 1757-899X.
  3. MATUSIAK P., KOZIOŁ J.: Testing the reduction properties of coke produced from a mixture of hard coal and rubber wastes. Conference Proceedings: MEC 2018, Mineral Engineering Conference, Zawiercie, 26-29 September 2018 p. 1-8, ISSN 1757-899X.
  4. MICHALAK D., ROZMUS M., GOMEZ J., PAPEZ M., OSOJNIK V., BUENO D.R., ŚWIERCZEK G., LIMANOWSKA E.: Specialized training in 3D printing and practical use of acquired knowledge - 3DSPEC online course. Conference Proceedings: AHFE 2018, International Conference on Human Factors in Training, Education, and Learning Sciences, Orlando, USA, 21-25 July 2018 p. 339-350, ISBN 978-3-319-93882-0.
  5. ORZECH Ł., NIEDWOROK A.: Measurement of the charge transferred by a single electrostatic discharge by acoustic method. Conference Proceedings: ICSV 2018, 25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Hiroshima, Japan, 8-12 July 2018 p. 1-8, ISBN 978-151086845-8.
  6. POLNIK B.: An Innovative Power Supply System Dedicate for Roadheading Mining Machines. (ECS Transactions, 2018 No. 1). Conference Proceedings: ABAF 2018, 19th International Conference on Advanced Batteries, Accumulators and Fuel Cells, Brno, 26-29 August 2018 349-362, ISSN 1938-6737.
  7. PROSTAŃSKI D.: Development of research work in the air-water spraying area for reduction of methane and coal dust explosion hazard as well as for dust control in the Polish mining industry. Conference Proceedings: MEC 2018, Mineral Engineering Conference, Zawiercie, 26-29 September 2018 p. 1-13, ISSN 1757-899X.
  8. TOKARCZYK J., DUDEK M., JORDA O., MARTINEZ E., PENUELAS-HERRAIZ A., PRIMO-CAPELLA V.-J.: OVOMAX online course as w way to improve competencies and qualifications for designing and manufacturing of custom-made orthopaedic implants. Conference Proceedings: AHFE 2018, International Conference on Human Factors in Training, Education, and Learning Sciences, Orlando, USA, 21-25 July 2018 p. 362-374, ISBN 978-3-319-93882-0.


2017 year

Articles in Polish Magazines

  1. BAŁAGA D., KALITA M., SIEGMUND M.: Use of 3D additive manufacturing technology for rapid prototyping of spraying nozzles. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2017 No. 3 p. 3-13, ISSN 2450-9442 [full text in Polish].
  2. BARTOSZEK S., JURA M., JAGODA J., LIBERA K., SŁOWIŃSKI A.: The roadheader positioning system testing in experimental roadway. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2017 No. 2 p. 30-41, ISSN 2450-9442 [full text in Polish].
  3. BUDZYŃSKI Z.: Technical aspects of series production of electric cars. Drives and Control (Napędy Sterow.) 2017 No. 4 p. 106-111, ISSN 1507-7764 [full text in Polish].
  4. BUDZYŃSKI Z., DEJA P.: Power supply and control system of mining ventilation pipe fan with the output control function. Electric Machines, Exercise – Books of Problems (Masz. Elektr., Zesz. Probl.) 2017 No. 113 p. 171-175, ISSN 0239-3646 [full text in Polish].
  5. DEJA P.: Operating experience of the modernised electric underground locomotive type Ld-31EM. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2017 No. 1 p. 55-62, ISSN 2450-9442 [full text in Polish].
  6. DOBRZANIECKI P., KACZMARCZYK K.: Power supply systems for combustion engines used in coal mines at the example of ITG KOMAG solutions. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2017 No. 1 p. 63-76, ISSN 2450-9442 [full text in Polish].
  7. GONTARZ J., PODGÓRSKI J., KALITA M., SIEGMUND M.: Summary of laboratory tests of sandstone for pull-out test analysis. Constructions and Architecture (Budow. Archit.) 2017 No. 16, p. 113-123, ISSN 1899-0665 [full text in Polish].
  8. HERBUŚ K., SZEWERDA K., ŚWIDER J.: Identification of the computational model of the armoured face conveyor. Engineering Modelling (Model. Inż.) 2017 No. 65 p. 38-46, ISSN 1896-771X [full text in Polish].
  9. JAGODA J.: Attention measurement system of mining machine and equipment operators. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2017 No. 2 p. 71-80, ISSN 2450-9442 [full text in Polish].
  10. JAGODA J., ROGALA-ROJEK J.: Management of information about maintenance of machines and equipment in the aspect of changes in law regulations. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2017 No. 4 p. 52-63, ISSN 2450-9442 [full text in Polish].
  11. JASIULEK D., ROGALA-ROJEK J.: Innovative software solution for coal mines. Studia Informatica ( Informat.) 2017 No. 3 p. 45-56, ISSN 1642-0489.
  12. JEDZINIAK M.: Development of a small-size equipment for auxiliary ventilation and directions of its applications. Mining Engineering (Inż. Gór.) 2017 No. 3-4 p. 62-66, ISSN 2353-5490 [full text in Polish].
  13. JEDZINIAK M.: Determination of heat transfer coefficient of flexible ventubes. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2017 No. 1 p. 12-20, ISSN 2450-9442 [full text in Polish].
  14. JENDRYSIK S., BARTOSZEK S., JASIULEK D., GAWLIŃSKI A.: Control system for the bucket conveyor in the jig node of beneficiation system. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2017 No. 2 p. 53-61, ISSN 2450-9442 [full text in Polish].
  15. JURA J., BARTOSZEK S.: KOGASTER – electric installation for diesel drives. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2017 No. 4 p. 41-51, ISSN 2450-9442 [full text in Polish].
  16. JURA M.: Graphics library for the controller with an OLED display. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór. ) 2017 No. 2 s. 62-70, ISSN 2450-9442 [full text in Polish].
  17. JURA M., ROGALA-ROJEK J., JASIULEK D., JENDRYSIK S.: M-SmartGRID, the mine smart power grid. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2017 No. 4 p. 64-74, ISSN 2450-9442 [full text in Polish].
  18. KALITA M.: Propagation test of dust deposited in a roadway working. Common Issues (Wsp. Spr.) 2017 No. 3 p. 7-11, ISSN 1213-8078 [full text in Polish].
  19. KONSEK R.: Assesment of operational time of the mining machines with battery drive systems. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2017 No. 2 p. 24-29, ISSN 2450-9442 [full text in Polish].
  20. KONSEK R.: Electric drive of mine suspended railways. Electric Machines, Exercise – Books of Problems (Masz. Elektr., Zesz. Probl.) 2017 No. 113 p. 195-198, ISSN 0239-3646 [full text in Polish].
  21. KONSEK R.:. A determination of braking path of a mine locomotive basing on simulation tests. Drives and Control (Napędy Sterow.) 2017 No. 7/8 p. 118-121, ISSN 1507-7764 [full text in Polish].
  22. KOWOL D., MATUSIAK P., ŁAGÓDKA M.: Laboratory tests for efficiency of jig beneficiation of coal wastes of grain classes 35-3 mm and 35-0 mm. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2017 No. 2 p. 3-15, ISSN 2450-9442 [full text in Polish].
  23. LAZAR D., SZWEDA S.: Idea of the system for energy recovery from shaft pipeline. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2017 No. 3 p. 64-74, ISSN 2450-9442 [full text in Polish].
  24. LESIAK K.: Influence of temperature changes on explosion pressure measurement. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2017 No 1 p. 3-11, ISSN 2450-9442 [full text in Polish].
  25. LESIAK K., BRZEŻAŃSKI M.: Concept of the exhaust system of combustion engines used in underground mining. Engines 2017 No. 2 p. 97-100, ISSN 2300-9896.
  26. LUTYŃSKI A.: Noise hazard in hard coal mechanical processing plants. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2017 No. 4 p. 15-22, ISSN 2450-9442 [full text in Polish].
  27. LUTYŃSKI A., PROSTAŃSKI D.: Dust hazard control in coal preparation plants. Mining Engineering (Inż. Gór.) 2017 No. 3-4 p. 44-51, ISSN 2353-5490 [full text in Polish].
  28. MAJEWSKI M.: Identification of hazards as one of stages of designing the mining machines. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2017 No. 3 p. 27-43, ISSN 2450-9442 [full text in Polish].
  29. MATUSIAK P., KOWOL D.: Technology of recycling coal from mining waste through implementation of KOMAG device. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2017 No. 2 p. 42-52, ISSN 2450-9442 [full text in Polish].
  30. NIEDWOROK A.: Impact of static and alternating magnetic field on warming up of components fixing the electric wires. Electrotechnical Survey ( Elektrotech.) 2017 No. 7 p. 60-63, ISSN 0033-2097.
  31. NIEŚPIAŁOWSKI K., WÓJCICKI M., ROSA M.: Concept of a cleaning device for run-of-mine transportation cars. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2017 No. 4 p. 23-29, ISSN 2450-9442 [full text in Polish].
  32. PIECZORA E., SUFFNER H.: Development of drives for underground suspended monorails. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2017 No. 3 p. 44-57, ISSN 2450-9442 [full text in Polish].
  33. PIECZORA E., TOKARCZYK J.: Development of mine underground transportation with use of suspended monorails. Mining – Informatics, Automation and Electrical Engineering 2017 No. 4 p. 96-106, ISSN 2449-6421.
  34. POLNIK B.: Safe use of lithium cells in mining machines and equipment operating in the areas with a potential explosion hazard. Drives and Control (Napędy Sterow.) 2017 No. 1 p. 58-65, ISSN 1507-7764 [full text in Polish].
  35. POLNIK B., KURPIEL W., JUSZCZYK Z.: Autonomous system for monitoring lead-acid battery parameter. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2017 No. 3 p. 58-64, ISSN 2450-9442 [full text in Polish].
  36. PROSTAŃSKI D.: Empirical models of zones protecting against coal dust explosion. Mining Archives ( Gór.) 2017 No. 3 p. 611-619, ISSN 0860-7001 .
  37. ROGALA-ROJEK J., JENDRYSIK S., JURA M., JASIULEK D.: Smart system for electric grid management in coal mines. Studia Informatica 2017 No. 3 p. 101-114, ISSN 1642-0489.
  38. RYNDAK P., MICHALSKI W., KOWAL L., TUREWICZ K.: Mobile container platform – an innovative solution of vertical transport. Mining Engineering (Inż. Gór.) 2017 No. 3-4 p. 52-55, ISSN 2353-5490 [full text in Polish].
  39. SIEGMUND M., JONAK J.: Analysis of the results of preliminary studies and determination of direction of further research work on technology of drilling the rescue tunnels by the method of mechanical loosening. Cuprum 2017 No. 1 p. 57-71, ISSN 0137-2815 [full text in Polish].
  40. SZEWERDA K., ŚWIDER J., HERBUŚ K.: Impact of the selected parameters’ adjustment on operational conditions of flight-bar conveyor. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2017 No. 4 p. 30-40, ISSN 2450-9442 [full text in Polish].
  41. SZYGUŁA M., STĘPOR J., MOSTEK W., LEBDA-WYBORNY Z., KAZUBIŃSKI D.: Adaptation of the HYDROMEL-16/35-POz powered roof support unit to changing operating conditions. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2017 No. 1 p. 31-44, ISSN 2450-9442 [full text in Polish].
  42. WIECZOREK A., ROZMUS M.: Possibilities and needs in application of CMMMS class systems in hospital. Systems Supporting Production Engineering, Problems of Environmental Management (Syst. Wspomag. Inż. Prod., Probl. Zarz. Śr.) 2017 No. 1 p. 34-44, ISSN 2391-9361 [full text in Polish].
  43. WOSZCZYŃSKI M.: Model of intelligent system for monitoring and diagnostics of photovoltaic panels. Electric Machines, Exercise – Books of Problems (Masz. Elektr., Zesz. Probl.) 2017 No. 114 s. 33-37, ISSN 0239-3646 [full text in Polish].
  44. ZAJĄC R.: Internal Audit in Improvement of Management System - Results of Questionnaire Inquiries. Quality Problems (Probl. Jakości) 2017 No. 6 p. 32-37, ISSN 0137-8651 [full text in Polish].
  45. ZAJĄC R.: Risk-based approach in the light of requirements of PN-EN ISO 9001:2015-10 Standard. Mining Machines (Masz. Gór.) 2017 No.3 p. 75-86, ISSN 2450-9442 [full text in Polish].


Articles in foreign magazines

  1. TALAREK M., KACPRZYK R.: Direct ignition tests of brush discharges for explosive methane-air and propane-air gas mixtures. Electrost. 2017 nr 88 s. 165-170, ISSN 0304-3886.



  1. KŁECZEK Z.: Bumps in hard coal mines and in copper ore mines in Poland. Innovative Mechanization Technologies and Techniques, Monograph No. 19, Institute of Mining Technology KOMAG, Gliwice 2017 p. 1-112; 6,20 Publisher’s Sheet, ISBN 978-83-65593-04-7 [full text in Polish].
  2. KONSEK R., MĘŻYK A.: Methodology for selection of operating point of an engine in a hybrid drive with use of simulation models. KOMAG Research Projects - Monographs No. 50, Institute of Mining Technology KOMAG, Gliwice 2017 p. 1-107; 6,40 Publisher’s Sheet, ISBN 978-83-65593-06-1 [full text in Polish].
  3. LUTYŃSKI A.: Prevention of methane, dust and noise hazards in preparation plants of coal mines. Innovative Mechanization Technologies and Techniques, Monograph No. 18, Institute of Mining Technology KOMAG, Gliwice 2017 p. 1-126; 7,00 Publisher’s Sheet, ISBN 978-83-65593-03-0 [full text in Polish].
  4. PROSTAŃSKI D.: Air-water spraying method for reducing the methane and coal dust explosion hazard as well as for reducing the airborne dust concentration. KOMAG Research Projects - Monographs No. 51, Institute of Mining Technology KOMAG, Gliwice 2017 p. 1-193; 9,92 Publisher’s Sheet, ISBN 978-83-65593-07-8 [full text in Polish].
  5. TOKARCZYK J.: Methodology for identifying the selected mechanical hazards in auxiliary transport of underground mines. KOMAG Research Projects - Monographs No. 52, Institute of Mining Technology KOMAG, Gliwice 2017 s. 1-148; 7,48 Publisher’s Sheet, ISBN 978-83-65593-08-5 [full text in Polish].


Chapters in Monographs

  1. BAŁAGA D., SIEGMUND M., KALITA M.: Air-water system for dust control at the coal feeding installation in “Łagisza” Power Plant. Problems of exploitation and management in mining. Monograph. Scientific Editorship: Ass. Prof. Krzysztof Kotwica, AGH - University of Science and Technology named after Stanisław Staszic, Cracow 2017 p. 27-36; 0,83 Publisher’s Sheet, ISBN 978-83-930353-7-3 [full text in Polish].
  2. BARON R.:. Identification of the sound level at the selected workplaces in the coal preparation plant. KOMEKO 2017, Innovative and Environment-friendly Technologies and Techniques of Processing Mineral Raw Materials. Safety - Quality - Effectiveness. Institute of Mining Technology KOMAG, Gliwice 2017 p. 126-139; 0,75 Publisher’s Sheet, ISBN 978-83-65593-02-3 [full text in Polish].
  3. CIERPISZ S., KOWOL D.: Methods of the feed stabilization in the process of coal benefication. KOMEKO 2017, Innovative and Environment-friendly Technologies and Techniques of Processing Mineral Raw Materials. Safety - Quality - Effectiveness. Institute of Mining Technology KOMAG, Gliwice 2017 p. 96-114; 1,17 Publisher’s Sheet, ISBN 978-83-65593-02-3 [full text in Polish].
  4. LUTYŃSKI A., LUTYŃSKI M.: Application of coal slurries in gasification technologies. KOMEKO 2017, Innovative and Environment-friendly Technologies and Techniques of Processing Mineral Raw Materials. Safety - Quality - Effectiveness. Institute of Mining Technology KOMAG, Gliwice 2017 p. 140-156; 1,13 Publisher’s Sheet, ISBN 978-83-65593-02-3 [full text in Polish].
  5. LUTYŃSKI A., PROSTAŃSKI D: Mitigation of hazards caused by coal dust at plants for mechanical processing of coal at hard coal mines. Mechanization, Automation and Robotization in Mining. Monograph. Scientific Editorship: Prof. Krzysztof Kotwica, Volume 1, (Centre for Tests and Supervision of Underground Mining, Ltd.), Lędziny, Cracow 2017 p. 91-103; 1,5 Publisher’s Sheet, ISBN 978-83-944406-9-5 [full text in Polish].
  6. MATUSIAK P., KOWOL D.: Process water treatment in the beneficiation node of mine waste dum. Mineral Aggregates, Volume 1, Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology of Wrocław University of Technology, Wrocław 2017 p. 113-122; 0,61 Publisher’s Sheet, ISSN 0342-9673 [full text in Polish].
  7. PIECZORA E., SUFFNER H.: Is there an end to the use of diesel suspended monorails in the mining industry? State-of-the-art techniques and safety in the mining industry. Monograph. Scientific Editorship: Ass. Prof. Krzysztof Kotwica, AGH – University of Science and Technology named after Stanisław Staszic, Cracow 2017 p. 241-252; 1,00 Publisher’s Sheet, ISBN 978-83-930353-3-5 [full text in Polish].
  8. RYNDAK P., MICHALSKI W., KOWAL L., TUREWICZ K.: Mobile container platform – an innovative solution of vertical transport. KOMTECH 2017, Innovative Technologies and Techniques for Mining. Safety - Effectiveness - Reliability, KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology, Gliwice 2017 p. 23-29; 0,50 Publisher’s Sheet, ISBN 978-83-65593-05-4 [full text in Polish].


Papers in Conference Proceedings

  1. BAŁAGA D., KALITA M., SIEGMUND M., URBANEK A., WALOSZCZYK A.: Automatic system for mist fire-extinguishing of belt-conveyors’ drives. Conference Proceeding: Problems of Safety and Health Protection in the Polish Mining Industry, XIX Conference, Szczyrk-Biła, 4-5 April 2017 p. 1-11 [full text in Polish].
  2. BARTNICKA J., PIEDRABUENA A., PORTILLA R., MOYANO-CUEVAS J.L., PAGADOR J.B., SANCHEZ-MARGALLO F.M., AUGAT P., MICHALAK D., TOKARCZYK J.: Train4OrthoMIS online course as a manner of improving ergonomics in orthopaedic surgery. Conference Proceedings: AHFE 2017, International Conferences on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare and Medical Devices, Los Angeles, USA, 17-21 July 2017 p.10 unpaginated, ISBN 978-331960482-4.
  3. JENDRYSIK S., WOSZCZYŃSKI M., JASIULEK D.: Control of a jig beneficiation node system. Conference Proceedings: IV Polish Mining Congress, Cracow, 20-22.11.2017 p.531-537 [full text in Polish].
  4. KOWOL D., MATUSIAK P.: Impact the selected parameters on effectiveness of beneficiation process in water pulsating jigs. Conference Proceedings: IV Polish Mining Congress, Cracow, 20-22.11.2017 p. 620-629 [full text in Polish].
  5. KURPIEL W.: Life and operational safety of lithium cells with an active balancing system in the supply systems of mining machines operating in explosive atmosphere. Conference Proceedings: SEMAG 2017, XXIII Scientific and Technical Symposium, Automation and Electropower in the Mining Industry, Mysłakowice n/Jelenia Góra, 29-31 May 2017 p. 6-22, ISBN 978-83-947677-0-9 [full text in Polish].
  6. MATUSIAK P., KOWOL D.: Implementation of KOMAG type devices for recovery of mineral from mine wastes. Conference Proceedings: IV Polish Mining Congress, Cracow, 20-22.11.2017 p. 986-995 [full text in Polish].

Papers in Conference Proceedings on Web of Science

  1. GONTARZ J., PODGÓRSKI J., SIEGMUND M.: Comparison of crack propagation analyses in a pull-out test. Conference Proceedings: CMM 2017, 22nd International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, Lublin, 13-16 September 2017 p. 130011-1-130011-8, ISBN 978-0-7354-1614-7; ISSN 0094-243X.
  2. NIEDWOROK A., ORZECH Ł.: Determination of efficiency and thermal properties of drive equipped with induction motor and drive equipped with synchronous reluctance motor. Conference Proceedings: The 19th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE '17 ECCE Europe, Warsaw, Poland, 11-14 September 2017 p. 1-9, ISBN 9789075815269.
  3. POLNIK B., KURPIEL W., JUSZCZYK Z.: Autonomous system for monitoring lead-acid battery parameters dedicated to use in the mine battery locomotive. (ECS Transactions, 2017 No. 1). Conference Proceedings: ABAF 2017, 18th International Conference on Advanced Batteries, Accumulators and Fuel Cells, Brno, 10-13 September 2017 p. 233-239, ISSN 1938-5862.




The KOMAG Institute protects innovative solutions in the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland. In over 65 years of KOMAG's history, about 4,500 inventions were submitted for protection.

Patents quick search

The patents obtained in 2018 year:

  1. Hydrostatic drive transmission system with automatic mode of manoeuvering operation (229279).
  2. Autonomous system for monitoring safe operation parameters of the mining locomotive lead-acid accumulator battery (229580).
  3. Device for measuring geothermal potential of the ground or rock mass (230 588).
  4. Mechanically assisted hydraulic stabilizer, preferably for the suspended railway (229 823).
  5. Control system of the air dustiness monitoring in mining headings (229 919).
  6. Washed-back liquid filter (231035).
  7. Filter for liquids with return flushing (230751).
  8. Windlass pneumatic control system (231474.
  9. Valve assembly with electromagnetic intermediate control and unidirectional flow (231746).
  10. Hydraulic brake unit for emergency stopping of a train (230758).
  11. Method and device for continuous thermal decomposition of plastic scrap, preferably polyolefins (231461).
  12. Method for combined running of thermal waste recovery processes (230753).
  13. Automatically controlled compressor unit (231764).
  14. Electrical energy generator, powered by changes in the working medium pressure in the hydraulic system (70208).


The utility models obtained in 2018 year:

  1. Electrical energy generator, powered by changes in the working medium pressure in the hydraulic system (70208).
  2. Modular check valve (70264).
  3. Automatic system of spraying sources of dust on mine haul roads (70367).
  4. Exhaust afterburner for the mining combustion drive (124854).
  5. Ecological drive the fan wheel, in particular for cooker hoods (125 608).


The patents obtained in 2017 year:

  1. Dumping (226347).
  2. Device for cleaning the suspended monorail route (226360).
  3. Diagnostics system of the mining longwall shearer-loader (226981).
  4. Method for transportation of the output, particularly during sinking of a mining shaft (227003).
  5. Sealing of a valve that opens or closes the liquid flow (227087).
  6. Chucking head with hydraulic system of jaws clamping (227114).
  7. Method for neutralization of deposited dusts and the installation for neutralization of deposited dusts (230778).
  8. Gas nozzle with noise suppressor (228162).
  9. Device for active absorption of explosion (228266).
  10. Building development segment (228652).
  11. Shaft complex (228653).
  12. Mechanical miner equipment for dry driving of a shaft, preferably for mines (228621).
  13. Hydraulic press for manufacturing large-format plastic panels (228579).
  14. Electric propulsion system of a self-propelled haul truck (228561).
  15. Cylinder-controlled non-return valve (228562).
  16. Spraying system with automatic selection of its intensity, controlled by the occurring methane concentration (228598).
  17. Grate crusher, preferably for sulfur mines (228838).
  18. Fastening device of a drive unit, preferably for the mining cableway wheel (228822).


The utility models obtained in 2018 year:

  1. Pump-valve unit (69281).
  2. Flotation machine rotor (69503).
  3. Locomotive power module with its own power source (69826).
  4. Cover Explosion integrated with the radiator copper (69861).

Broad, international relations and an interdisciplinary collaboration with foreign scientific and research institutes, technical universities, companies and enterprises, activities aiming at an integration with the European Research Area, extending traditional forms and scopes of collaboration, a generation of new projects, in particular within the scope of the priority fields of activity, specified by the European Union in the Framework Programmes and also a participation in international organizations, collaborative networks and technology platforms are measures of KOMAG's successes.

KOMAG takes an active part in the activities of three European Networks of Excellence:

  • AMAS NoE – Advanced Materials and Structures

(Polish Academy of Sciences)

  • ENVITECH-Net – Environmental Technologies

(Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas)

  • EST – Environmentally Sustainable Transport

VITO Flemish Institute for Technological Research).

A European Commission's nomination of KOMAG to the role of he Centre of Excellence within the 5th Framework Programme in the scope of advanced, safe and reliable mechanical systems confirms a high, scientific position of KOMAG in the European Research Area. The experience, gained during a realization of that project and new partners, representing the leading research institutes in Europe, have had a strong impact on the subject matter and scope of scientific and research projects, developed by KOMAG and connected, among others, with the research on he relationship: man-machine-environment and a development of new generation mechanical systems.


The main objective of activities, undertaken by KOMAG and in particular connected with a realization of the basic, strategic tasks, is an integration with the European Research Area in the scope of designing, testing and production of machines as well as an increase in the competitiveness of Polish solutions in the European market.

The international activity of the KOMAG Institute is dominated by the problems resulting from its general strategy, according to which a participation in the European Union research programmes is one of top priorities. Activities oriented onto broadening traditional subjects and forms of collaboration and a realization of new research programmes are undertaken on a large scale. That in particular refers to the following domains: health, power-engineering, mechatronics, new materials and technologies as well as ecology.

A collaboration within the Research Fund for Coal and Steel develops in a very interesting way. Since 2008 KOMAG has been taking an active part in its activities, participating in the actions co-ordinated by the EURACOAL European Association for Coal and Lignite and also by the EUROMINES - European Mineral Resources RTD Council.

European research projects in which the KOMAG Institute actively participates:
Erasmus+ Programme:


Specialist in 3D printing - specialized training in application of 3D printing and practical use of acquired knowledge.

The coordinator: KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology

The consortium members:

  • Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia (IBV) – Spain
  • EXOVITE: Exovite Hermo Medical Solutions, S.L. – Spain
  • Šolski center Velenje – Slowenia
  • Powiatowe Centrum Kształcenia Zawodowego i Ustawicznego – Poland

The implementation period: September 2016 – August 2019

The goal of the project:

3DSPEC Specialist in 3D printing - specialized training in application of 3D printing and practical use of acquired knowledge. The project’s goal is to provide a comprehensive training in use of 3D printing technology in the following areas: education, design, healthcare, SMEs’ operation. There are two main elements of the training: i) online 3DSPEC course which provides solid theory regarding 3D prinitng as well as application examples and instructions to follow, ii) Internet platform for ordering 3D printing on 3D printers available in 3D Printing Centre (3D printers located at project partners’ facilities) via which trainees will have opportunity to make sample printouts  and this way practice what they’ve learned.




Methods and tools for efficient use of existing resources and for support of development of effective training content by VET Teachers.

The coordinator: KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology

The consortium members:

  • TTS Work Efficiency Institute - Finland
  • RTRIT - Riga Technical School of Tourism and Creative Industry - Latvia

The implementation period: Semptember 2017 – August 2019

The goal of the project:

E-MOTIVE Methods and tools for efficient use of existing resources and for support of development of effective training content by VET Teachers. The project’s goal is to provide VET teachers with easy-to-use training materials which will enable them to acquire knowledge and skills necessary for carrying out ICT-enhaced teaching. The training materials will cover in particular the following issues:

  • development of different types of materials based on ICT and their application in teaching
  • application of tools used for teaching based on Internet.
Solutions developed within the project will be available via Internet, also with use of mobile devices.


Research Fund for Coal and Steel:

Increase Efficiency and Safety Improvement in Underground Mining Transportation Routes.

The coordinator: KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology

The consortium members:

  • Central Mining Institute (GIG) – Poland
  • RWTH Aachen University (RWTH) – Germany
  • XGraphic Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH (XGRAPHIC) – Germany
  • Becker Warkop Ltd. company (BW) – Germany
  • Premogovnik Velenje, d. d. (PV) – Slowenia
  • DTEK ENERGY (DTEK) – Ukraine
  • ELMECH Kazeten (ELMECH) – Poland

The implementation period: July 2017 – June 2020

The goal of the project:

There has been a rapid development of auxiliary transportation systems in the European mines in the last two decades.

It mainly concerned the solutions, in which the auxiliary transportation means were equipped with their own drives. It has been observed that at the same time the length of tracks on which people are transported is all-time extended. Such situation leads to reduction of effective work time of miners during one shift. There is also necessity to equip people and equipment/material with tracking systems in dangerous environments.

Efficiency and Safety Improvement in Underground Mining Transportation Routes” project are as follows: increasing the speed and safety of underground auxiliary transportation systems; development and testing of transportation systems adapted to increased speed; elaboration of low energy consumption ventilation of underground transportation routes; development of fully automated system for identification of human’s presence on underground conveyors; development of process optimization with persons and equipment tracking.


Productivity and safety of shield support.

The coordinator: KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology

The consortium members:

  • Central Mining Institute (GIG) – Poland
  • Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. - Poland
  • Becker Warkop - Poland
  • DMT - Germany
  • University of Exeter - United Kingdom
  • Geocontrol - Spain

The implementation period: July 2017 – June 2020

The goal of the project:

Deeper and deeper mining of hard coal seams causes that mining crew and equipment are exposed to greater natural hazards. At present progress in the field of automation of mechanized longwall systems does not include monitoring of roof behaviour and preventing against disadvantageous phenomena associated with roof behaviour, such as roof falls to the longwall face or lack of roof fall beyond the shield support leading to local dynamic loading to the working.

It is assumed that by monitoring both shield support behaviour (leg pressures, geometry and tip to face distance) and geotechnical conditions in longwall in real time, warnings about significant improper shield support behaviour and formation of roof instabilities, such as roof cavities/falls or shield closure, will be given several hours in advance. This advance warning allows miners to take preventive action which in turn can reduce longwall downtime and exposure to hazards. Such on-line solutions are not used at present.

Development of Shield Support Monitoring System (SSMS), which will enable monitoring of roof condition in real time, through monitoring the parameters of shield support, as well as development of Longwall Mining Conditions Prediction System (LMCPS) for prediction of roof falls hazards and generation of information about indispensable corrective measures, is the project objective.

LMCPS will be developed on the basis of the geomechanical models and tests of SSMS in real conditions.

Geomechanical models are developed from three sources. The physical models, the numerical models (to date with qualitative aspects) and the underground measurement data, which hitherto should not be at variance with the developed theory.

The suggested research work will be undertaken by a well-balanced, interdisciplinary consortium of underground control system developers and manufacturers, shield support designers, mining institutes and mining company complemented by assistance of one University.



Information Driven Incident RESponse.

The coordinator: Uniwersytet Exeter United Kingdom

The consortium members:

  • Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG - Poland
  • KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology - Poland
  • Geocontrol SA* - Spain
  • Silesian University of Technology – Poland
  • Universidad Carlos III De Madrid – Spain
  • Central Mining Institute GIG– Poland
  • Premogovnik Velenje DD - Slowenia
  • DMT GmbH & CO. KG - Niemcy
  • Polska Grupa Górnicza S.A. - Poland

The implementation period: July 2017 – June 2020

The goal of the project:

It is addresses the crucial issue of rapidly acquiring and providing information which is a key necessity in the effective response to a serious mining incident. As such, it will facilitate Information Driven Incident Response. The primary objective is to enable information to be gathered and exchanged, without reliance on a mine's fixed power or communication networks, while planning, and during the execution of, a response to an incident that could jeopardize the lives of personnel and the future operation and profitability of the mine.

Research will be conducted into two resilient and novel methods of communications that are independent of fixed networks, one operating through rock, the other using a readily deployable cable. These will be key enablers of other technologies developed in INDIRES and will also provide a vehicle for person-to-person voice or textual exchanges for rescue personnel, mine management and trapped miners.

Environmental sensors will be developed that are resilient to incidents such as explosions or fires and which can provide immediate access to environmental data in the aftermath of the accident.

Small unmanned vehicles – employing a flying, climbing and/or crawling concepts – will be developed for very early reconnaissance of areas affected by an incident before deploying personnel. These vehicles will carry environmental sensors plus thermal imaging cameras for detecting life signs.

Highly efficient drilling technology using a torsional torque converter will be researched and props produced using new composite materials. These will provide a self-contained, lightweight solution for drilling exploratory tunnels to facilitate communication with affected areas and access to robotic vehicles, and could potentially allow trapped minders to be released.

Simulations will be used to augment live data with information on environmental conditions and probable escape routes.




Reducing risks from Occupational exposure to Coal Dust.

The coordinator: UNEXE - Uniwersytet w Exeter – United Kingdom

The consortium members:

  • Central Mining Institute GI) – Poland
  • Premogovnik Velenje PV– Slowenia
  • DMT - Deutsche Montan Technik - Germany
  • UKLFR - Universitätsklinikum Freiburg - Germany
  • CSIC - Spanish National Research Council - Spain
  • Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG – Poland
  • Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa - Poland
  • Polska Grupa Górnicza - Poland
  • KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology – Poland

The implementation period: July 2017 – June 2020

The goal of the project:

Despite international efforts to limit worker exposure, coal mine dusts continue to impact the health of thousands of miners across Europe. Modern, practicable assessment tools and devices are urgently needed to improve risk models, control dusts and protect workers, particularly from the fine fraction (PM2.5) which is increasingly implicated in human disease. These issues will be addressed through 5 integrated work packages by a world-leading interdisciplinary consortium of 10 institutions from 5 European countries. Global dissemination of developed protocols and training modules, and production of new monitoring and suppression devices will greatly reduce incidences of coal mining-related disease.



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