

Methodology for Run-of-Mine Quality Management in a Hard Coal Mine


Artur Dyczko    

Gliwice 2022, s. 1-207
ISBN  978-83-65593-24-5


The Monograph presents the results of the research work, conducted by the Author, on the assessment of the hard coal dilution impact on the efficiency of production process in the LW Bogdanka SA and on a development of a system for the mining production management support with use of  IT solutions and monitoring of production processes oriented onto the ROM quality stabilisation and improvement.

The scope of the analysis required mathematical modelling and a development of methods for an estimation of qualitative parameters  meeting the needs of coal mining sector. The ROM dilution impact on the economic efficiency of an underground mining plan production process is highlighted. The Author’s concept of the production process automation and monitoring, which has been implemented in the LW Bogdanka SA, consisting of a few interconnected components, is described. The Integration Platform forms a central component of the presented solution, enabling the information integration oriented onto a standardised exchange of data among systems, using various communication protocols. The Author included his most important observations and conclusions resulting from the carried out research investigations and a multi-year scientific experience gathered due to an implementation of research projects at the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A., JSW S.A. and Tauron Wydobycie S.A.