
Mining Machines


e-ISSN 2719-3306

Since 2016 the former version of the journal “Maszyny Górnicze” (“Mining Machines”) has been replaced by the electronic one (the paper version of the journal –
ISSN 0209-3693 was published till 2015). 

Since 2020 the journal has been published in English as the quarterly “Mining Machines”; from 2025 onwards, as an annual.

Every paper in the Mining Machines quarterly will be published in accordance with the open access policy under the license CC-BY-NC 4.0

20 points according to the List of the Minister of Science.



Our journal is indexed in both Polish and international prestigious databases.

  • BazTech - the base of the Polish technical journals, which is the most important data base containing the information about the contents of the Polish technical journals. The BazTech resources are also further indexed by Google Scholar, and World Wide Science,
  • Arianta – independent Polish Scientific and Professional Electronic Journals database,
  • CEON and InfoNa – two extensive Polish academic databases containing scientific articles aggregating several of the largest databases from various fields of knowledge,
  • DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals - the international base which contains a list of reviewed scientific journals, to which an access is free-of-charge,
  • PBN - Polish Scientific Bibliography is a portal of the Ministry of Education and Science that collects information on the publications of Polish scientists, the publication achievements of scientific units, and Polish and foreign journals. It is part of the Integrated Information System on Science and Higher Education POL-on,
  • IC Journal Master List - the assessment of Index Copernicus Value, ICV 2023 = 100.00,
  • ROAD – Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources, database directly related to the international ISSN portal,
  • EBSCO – two thematic databases: Applied Science & Technology Source Ultimate and Central & Eastern European Academic Source. The first database covers the sciences, the so-called STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) and the second database is a multilingual and multidisciplinary collection of peer-reviewed scientific publications from Central and Eastern Europe.


The “Mining Machines” presents the latest trends in the domain of engineering – and – technical sciences in the following scientific disciplines:

  • environment engineering, mining and power engineering,
  • automation, electronics, electrotechnics and space technology,
  • mechanical engineering,
  • material engineering

and in the field of social sciences in the discipline:

  • management and quality sciences.


The Mining Machines promotes articles presenting the results of research, theoretical, design and innovative analyses related to mechanical engineering, in particular with the design of machines, mechanical systems, processes and processing methods, new materials, new measurement methods, new applications of information technology in particular in the field of:

  • mechanisation of mining and enrichment processes in the mining industry,
  • automation and robotisation of technological processes in mining,
  • mechanisation of production processes and ore haulage,
  • development of technologies and equipment for environmental protection
  • transformation of post-industrial sites,
  • construction and operation of machinery,
  • mechanics, materials engineering, production engineering,
  • laboratory and operational research in terms of functionality, reliability,
    ergonomics and occupational safety and environmental protection,
  • implementation of the results of research and development projects,
  • process management,
  • artificial intelligence.

The Programme Council is appointed by the Publishing House Manager - Director of the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology.


The content of the “Mining Machines” Journal is recorded in the Archives at its own website.