Innovative high efficiency power system for machines and devices,
increasing the level of work safety in underground mining excavations

Innowacyjny, wysokowydajny system zasilania maszyn i urządzeń,
podnoszący poziom bezpieczeństwa pracy w podziemnych wyrobiskach górniczych

Coordinator: KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology

Consortium members: Silesian University of Technology, GIG National Research Institute, RWTH Aachen, SWE Sp. z o.o., Universitatea Dunarea De Jos Din Galati, JSW Innovations S.A.

Execution period: July 2020 - June 2023

Aim of the project:

Development, implementation and testing of an innovative power supply system for machinery operating in hazardous areas such as coal mines. The developed system will consist of four critical subsystems. Two of these will concern high-efficiency power transmission. Energy transmission will be based on single-wire and wireless technologies developed as part of the project. Single-wire technology transmits energy between power supply and distribution points, reducing the number of wires. In addition, by using single-wire technology, the risk of electric shock to working miners will be minimised. The purpose of the wireless power transmission technology will be to continuously recharge the batteries of the machines running on the overhead rail.


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