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The editorial office of Mining Machines would like to thank all authors and reviewers for their cooperation in creating the journal in 2020 and 2021. It is also thanks to your input that the magazine successfully appears in a new English-language format. We hope for further fruitful cooperation in the following years and invite other researchers interested in co-creating our journal to cooperate.

Information for Authors

  1. The Editorial Office accepts original articles, unpublished earlier, of the thematic content in accordance with the journal profile.
  2. The Editorial Office reserves the right to resign from publishing the article if:
  • its subject – matter is not within the journal profile,
  • the article does not obtain positive reviews,
  • the article is incomplete or contains typographic materials of too low quality,
  • the article has not been prepared according to the editorial guidelines.
  1. The Author/Authors are required:
  • to reveal a contribution of individuals in an elaboration of the publication, but the main responsibility for the content of the submitted article is borne by the author delivering it,
  • to show the information about the subjects contributing to a preparation of the publication (thematic, in kind, financial input etc.),
  • to mention the person, whose input in a preparation of the publication has been significant and whose name is not among the authors, he/she should be mentioned in the acknowledgements included in the publication.
  1. An indispensable condition of publishing the article includes conveying the author and proprietary rights by the author/authors to the Instytut Techniki Górniczej KOMAG (Application Form).
  2. All the detected cases of ghostwriting or guest authorship will be brought to light, including
    a notification of the appropriate institutions (institutions employing the authors, scientific societies, associations of scientific editors and so on).
  3. The Author/Authors are requested to follow the principles of publishing articles:

7. The volume of the article should not be smaller than 6 but not bigger than 10 editorial pages according to the established magazine template.

8. The text, planned for a publication, should be delivered on the above mentioned template in the editing version, via the website https://wydawnictwa.komag.eu/index.php/miningmachines/about/submissions

9. An initial approval of the article is done by the Editorial Office after having checked:

  • the content of the publication original, i.e. whether it contains: author’s/authors’ scientific/professional degrees and titles, author’s/authors’ affiliations, title, abstract, preamble (introduction), formulation of subject-matter in clauses, summary, records of literature (bibliography).
  • Article Application Form.

10.  The Thematic Editor qualifies the article for reviews.

11. Obtaining positive reviews is a condition of approving the article for a publication – see the Reviewing Procedure.

12. A correction of the article reviewed version by the English Language Editor and the Technical Editor is conducted.

13. The Editor – in – Chief approves the article final version for a publication.

Attention: The Editorial Office does not charge any fees for a publishing process and for an approval of the text (APC – Article Processing Charge).

Forms for collection:

Application Form [doc]

Article Template [doc]

Link extension to Item 5 of the Information for Authors.


Ghostwriting barrier

The readers of the “Mining Machines” Quaterly have certainty that the author/authors of the publications in a clear, fair and honest manner present the results of their work, irrespective of the fact whether they are its direct authors or they have used an assistance from a specialized subject.

The Editorial Office demands from the publication authors to reveal an input of individual authors in an elaboration of a publication (giving their affiliation, i.e. the information who is the author of the concept, assumptions, methods and so on, used for a preparation of the publication), but the main responsibility is borne by the author submitting the article. The Editorial Office requires the information about the sources of financing the publication, the input of scientific-and-research institutions, societies and other subjects.   



e-ISSN 2719-3306

Since 2016 the former version of the journal “Maszyny Górnicze” (“Mining Machines”) has been replaced by the electronic one (the paper version of the journal –
ISSN 0209-3693 was published till 2015). 

Since 2020 the journal has been published in English as the quarterly “Mining Machines”.

Every paper in the Mining Machines quarterly will be published in accordance with the open access policy under the license CC-BY-NC 4.0

Points of the Ministry of Education and Science - 20



Our journal is indexed in both Polish and international prestigious databases.

  • BazTech - the base of the Polish technical journals, which is the most important data base containing the information about the contents of the Polish technical journals. The BazTech resources are also further indexed by Google Scholar, and World Wide Science,
  • Arianta – independent Polish Scientific and Professional Electronic Journals database,
  • CEON and InfoNa – two extensive Polish academic databases containing scientific articles aggregating several of the largest databases from various fields of knowledge,
  • DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals - the international base which contains a list of reviewed scientific journals, to which an access is free-of-charge,
  • PBN - Polish Scientific Bibliography is a portal of the Ministry of Education and Science that collects information on the publications of Polish scientists, the publication achievements of scientific units, and Polish and foreign journals. It is part of the Integrated Information System on Science and Higher Education POL-on,
  • IC Journal Master List - the assessment of Index Copernicus Value, ICV 2023 = 100.00,
  • ROAD – Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources, database directly related to the international ISSN portal,
  • EBSCO – two thematic databases: Applied Science & Technology Source Ultimate and Central & Eastern European Academic Source. The first database covers the sciences, the so-called STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) and the second database is a multilingual and multidisciplinary collection of peer-reviewed scientific publications from Central and Eastern Europe.


The “Mining Machines” Quaterly presents the latest trends in the domain of engineering – and – technical sciences in the following scientific disciplines:

  • environment engineering, mining and power engineering
  • automation, electronics, electrotechnics and space technology,
  • mechanical engineering,
  • material engineering,
  • management and quality sciences.


The “Mining Machines” Quaterly presents scientific, research–and-development as well as implementation projects in the field of mining mechanization, in particular in the scope of:

  • a mechanization of exploitation and beneficiation processes in the mining industry,
  • an automation and robotization of technological processes in the mining industry,
  • a mechanization of production and haulage processes,
  • a creation of technologies and equipment for an environmental protection,
  • a transition of post-industrial areas,
  • a construction and exploitation of machines,
  • mechanics, material engineering, production engineering,
  • laboratory and operational tests in the aspect of functionality, reliability, ergonomics and work safety as well as environmental protection,
  • an implementation of research and development projects’ results,
  • a management of processes,
  • artificial inteligence.

The Quaterly “Mining Machines” promotes the articles, presenting the results of tests, theoretical analyses, design and innovation projects related to mechanical engineering, in particular to
a construction of machines, mechanical systems, processes and processing methods, new materials, new measurement methods, new applications of Information Technologies etc.

The Programme Council, appointed by the Publishers, is the Advisory Body to the Editorial  Staff.


The content of the “Mining Machines” Journal is recorded in the Archives at its own website.


Editor – in – Chief: profesor, Roman Dychkovskyi, Dnipro University of Technology,
National Mining University of Ukraine, UKRAINE


Vice Chief Editor: dr hab. inż. Dariusz Prostański, prof. ITG KOMAG,
KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology, POLAND


Managing Editor: Adrianna Kalita, KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology, POLAND

                                 Bogna Kolasińska, KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology, POLAND

Technical Editor: Bogna Kolasińska, KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology, POLAND

Open Access Leader: Adrianna Kalita, KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology, POLAND

Cover Designer: Aleksandra Strzałkowska, KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology, POLAND



Scientific discipline



Greg Galecki, Missouri University of Science and Technology, UNITED STATES
Carsten Drebenstedt, Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, GERMANY



Joel M. Haight, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, UNITED STATES
Krzysztof Fujarewicz, Silesian University of Technology, POLAND



Brian D. Ricketts, European Association for Coal and Lignite (EURACOAL), BELGIUM
Jarosław Brodny, Silesian University of Technology, POLAND
Pavol Bozek, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, SLOVAK REPUBLIC



Dominik Brandys, University of Washington in Seattle, UNITED STATES


Jaroslaw Tokarczyk, KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology, POLAND



KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology
Pszczyńska 37
44-101 Gliwice, Poland


E-mail of Editorial Office: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Editor – in – Chief: phone: 38 0985233306, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Vice Chief Editor: phone: 32 2374600, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Managing Editor: phone: +48 32 2374695, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

                               phone: +48 32 2374563, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





Danuta Cebula, Marek Kalita
Instytut Techniki Górniczej KOMAG

Badania i analiza naprężeń krytycznych w materiale skalnym wywołanych mechanicznym odspajaniem

Tests and analysis of critical stresses in rocks caused by mechanical rocks falling off

str. 3-13

W artykule omówiono metodę mechanicznego odspajania calizny skalnej przy użyciu kotew rozprężnych pod kątem możliwości zastosowania do wykonywania tuneli ratowniczych. Przedstawiono analizę wyników badań in situ i laboratoryjnych. Badania zrealizowano w ramach projektu europejskiego INREQ, w Skansenie Górniczym Królowa Luiza. Wyniki badań umożliwiły weryfikację modelu zniszczenia materiału skalnego dla mechanicznego odspajania. Wyznaczono również kierunki dalszych prac.


Method for rock falling off with use of expanding bolts in the case of development of rescue tunnels is discussed. Analysis of in situ and laboratory test results is presented. Tests were realized within the INREQ project in Skansen Górniczy Królowa Luiza (Mining Heritage Park Queen Luiza). Test results enabled verification of the model of rock material destruction in the case of mechanical falling off process. Direction of further research work have been determined.
Słowa kluczowe: technologia drążenia chodnika, odspajanie skał, badanie geometrii odspojenia, badania wytrzymałościowe skał   Keywords: technology of roadway development, rocks falling off, testing the falling off geometry, rock strength tests


Dominik Bałaga, Michał Siegmund, Dariusz Prostański, Marek Kalita
Instytut Techniki Górniczej KOMAG

Innowacyjny system zraszania dla wyrobisk ścianowych

Innovative spraying system for longwall panels

str. 14-22

W artykule przedstawiono innowacyjny system zraszania typu KOMAG, przeznaczony do ograniczania zapylenia generowanego podczas urabiania kombajnami w systemach ścianowych. Zaprezentowano jego budowę, parametry pracy oraz zasadę działania. Omówiono wyniki badań jego skuteczności działania przeprowadzonych w warunkach rzeczywistych.   Innovative spraying system of KOMAG type, designed for reduction of airborne dust generated during longwall shearer operation in longwall panel is presented. Design of the spraying system, its operational parameters and principle of operation are described. The effectiveness of its operation in real conditions is discussed.
Słowa kluczowe: górnictwo, zagrożenia naturalne, zapylenie, zraszanie powietrzno-wodne   Keywords: mining industry, natural hazards, airborne dust, air-and-water spraying


Marek Majewski, Hubert Suffner
Instytut Techniki Górniczej KOMAG

Układy sterujące wąskotorowych lokomotyw powierzchniowych

Control systems for narrow-gauge surface locomotives

str. 23-37

W artykule zaprezentowano rozwój układów sterowania wąskotorowych lokomotyw powierzchniowych z napędem spalinowym związany z wprowadzaniem autonomicznych układów sterowania. Omówiono ich przykładowe rozwiązania spełniające funkcje: zasilające, zabezpieczające, kontrolne i zarządzające.   Development of the control systems for narrow-gauge surface locomotives after implementation of autonomous control systems is presented. Sample solutions with feeding, protecting and controlling functions are discussed.
Słowa kluczowe: wąskotorowa lokomotywa spalinowa; układ sterujący, monitorowanie parametrów pracy   Keywords: narrow-gauge diesel locomotive, control system, monitoring of operational parameters


Andrzej Figiel
Instytut Techniki Górniczej KOMAG

Wymagania dotyczące zapewnienia iskrobezpieczeństwa systemów sterowania

Requirements for intrinsic safety of the control systems

str. 38-44

Prawidłowy, zgodny z wymaganiami norm, dobór urządzeń elektrycznych oraz instalacji kablowej w ramach systemu iskrobezpiecznego, decyduje o bezpieczeństwie stosowania układów sterowania w miejscach, w których występuje zagrożenie wybuchem gazu i/lub pyłu palnego. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono zasady projektowania, dokumentowania, oceny i wykonywania systemów iskrobezpiecznych odpowiadające aktualnemu poziomowi wiedzy technicznej. Omówiono podstawowe wymagania dotyczące systemów iskrobezpiecznych (dobór urządzeń, kabli, sposób uziemiania i wykonywania połączeń wyrównawczych) oraz elementy jakie powinny się znaleźć w dokumencie opisującym taki system.

  Correct selection of electric devices and wiring system according to standard requirements for intrinsic safety decides about the safety use of the control systems in a potentially explosive atmosphere. Rules for designing documenting, assessment and manufacture of intrinsically safe systems with use of state-of-the-art technology is presented. General requirements for intrinsically safe systems (selection of devices, cables and earthing method as well as equipotential bonding) and elements that should be included in the documents describing the system are discussed.


Piotr Dobrzaniecki
Instytut Techniki Górniczej KOMAG

Dostosowanie silnika spalinowego z układem wtryskowym common rail górniczej maszyny roboczej do obowiązujących wymagań i przepisów

Adaptation of mining machine’s diesel engine with common rail injection system to the requirements and regulations that are in force

str. 45-53

W niniejszym artykule przybliżono problematykę związaną z wprowadzeniem do eksploatacji oraz bezpiecznym użytkowaniem maszyny roboczej wyposażonej w wysokoprężny silnik spalinowy z układem common rail. Przedstawiono wymagania prawne odnośnie pozadrogowych maszyn roboczych z napędem spalinowym oraz odniesiono się do wymagań stawianych pojazdom z napędem spalinowym, przeznaczonym do pracy w podziemiach kopalń, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem stref zagrożonych wybuchem metanu i/lub pyłu węglowego. Scharakteryzowano źródła potencjalnych zagrożeń oraz przewidywany sposób ich neutralizacji w procesie dostosowania silnika spalinowego do wymogów prawnych.

  Problems associated with commercialization and safe use of the machine equipped with diesel engine with common rail system are presented. Legal requirements regarding the machines with diesel drive, which operate off the roads, are given and referred to the requirements for vehicles with diesel drive designed for operation in mine undergrounds, with special attention paid to the areas threatened by methane and/or coal dust explosion hazard. Sources of potential hazards and planned method for their elimination by adaptation of diesel engine to the legal requirements are characterized.
Słowa kluczowe: wysokoprężny silnik spalinowy, silnik z układem zasilania common rail, dyrektywa spalinowa, etap IV, przestrzeń zagrożona wybuchem   Keywords: diesel engine, engine with common rail injection system, diesel directive, stage IV, potentially explosive atmosphere


Krzysztof Stankiewicz, Dariusz Jasiulek, Jerzy Jagoda, Jerzy Jura
Instytut Techniki Górniczej KOMAG

Rozproszone systemy sterowania maszyn i urządzeń górniczych

Dispersed systems for control of mining machines and equipment

str. 54-66

W artykule przedstawiono wybrane zagadnienia z zakresu zaawansowanych systemów sterowania mobilnych maszyn górniczych, z wykorzystaniem magistrali rozproszonej CAN, oraz perspektywy rozwoju systemów sterowania dedykowanych do pracy przestrzeni zagrożonych wybuchem metanu i/lub pyłu węglowego. Jednym z kierunków rozwoju systemów jest wprowadzenie w sieciach bezprzewodowych czujników samozasilających, co umożliwia ich zastosowanie w miejscach, w których zastosowanie czujników konwencjonalnych jest utrudnione. Przedstawiono również zagadnienie inteligencji w samoorganizacji ścieżek transmisji danych (trasowanie, routing) w złożonej sieci sensorycznej.   Selected problems as regards advanced systems for control of mobile mining machines, which use the dispersed CAN bus, as well as views for a development of control systems for operation in areas threatened by methane and/or coal dust explosion hazard are presented. Implementation of self-powered sensors, which can be used in places where use of traditional sensors is difficult, to wireless networks is one of directions of development of such systems. Problem of intelligence in self-organization of data transmission routes (routing) in a complex sensor network is presented.
Słowa kluczowe: monitoring, sieć sensoryczna, samoorganizacja, Internet rzeczy, czujnik samozasilający, CAN   Keywords: monitoring, sensor network, self-organization, Internet of Things, self-powered sensor, CAN






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