

Bolter Miner Machine For Driving Roadway Workings - Polish Experience


Artur DYCZKO - Scientific Editor

Gliwice 2021, s. 1-323

ISBN  978-83-65593-26-9

Printed version with binding price per copy PLN 150.00

The Monograph presents the experience gained by the research teams during an implementation process of commonly used in the world technology of roadway drivage with use of independent bolting support made with a cutting-and-bolting machine of Bolter Miner type in the conditions of deep cooking coal mines in the JSW S.A. This implementation was realized within the framework of the project “Independent Bolting Support” by the Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. at the „Budryk” mine over the period of 13 months, during which 1.168 meters of the Bw-1n test roadway, situated at the depth of circa 900 m, were driven. It has been shown that the technology of driving workings in independent bolting technology is safe and the driven working is stable.

The Monograph presents:

  • an origin of the Bolter Miner machine,
  • a history of using bolting support in the national mining industry and in the world,
  • a description of the project of implementing independent bolting support in the roadway workings of the JSW S.A. mines,
  • an analysis of a full spectrum of possibilities of applying the objective technology in the process of driving of opening and development workings an also an exploitation of residual parts of the seam,
  • a description of mining-and-geological parameters as well as natural hazards occurring in the area of driven working,
  • an analysis of making bends during the roadway drivage by the Bolter Miner machine,
  • an analysis of advances and an assessment of efficiency of conducted mining operations.