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The consortium meeting of the LapFORM project

KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology hosted the third consortium meeting of the LapFORM project in Gliwice on October 7th. The main objective of LapForm project is the development of the contents and the implementation of an online course to assure surgeons and laparoscopic instruments designers a worthy education and training along their professional career regarding ergonomics applied to laparoscopy, matching product innovation with the needs of laparoscopic surgeons and the latter with their working environment.

The main aims of the 3rd consortium meeting were to review the state of development of the activities in progress related to the training platform and to define in detail the remaining tasks to ensure the project success.

All the partners of the consortium attended the meeting: Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia (IBV, Coordinator) – Spain; Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre Jesús Usón (CCMIJU) – Spain; Instytut Techniki Gorniczej (KOMAG) – Poland; Silesian University of Technology. Faculty of Organization and Management (SUT) – Poland; Institute of Biomechanics, Trauma Center Murnau and Paracelsus Private Medical University Salzburg (MURNAU) – Germany; Spanish Society of Laparoscopic Surgery and Robotic (SECLA)-SPAIN.

The LapFORM project (527985-LLP-1-2012-ES-LEONARDO-LMP) is funded by the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme.

For more information, please visit our web site.

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