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The latest news

The Komag Institute was visited by specialists from the University of Coimbra (Portugal) and the Technical University of Eindhoven (the Netherlands) on 12th-14th September, with regards to realization of international FitWork project (Good Practices to Develop Physical Activity Programs at Work). The FitWork project aims to establish collaboration between ergonomics and physical activity of professionals in order to develop training plans that address the needs of individual workplaces. Implementing training plans is especially important for office workers doing intellectual work. Sets of exercises were presented during the visit and it was explained how to perform them in a safe and proper way and how to monitor the progress.

On 20th September at the KOMAG Institute a Kick-off Meeting of INESI (Increase Efficiency and Safety Improvement in Underground Mining Transportation Routes) European project was held. The project is financed by Research Fund of Coal and Steel programme. The main objectives of INESI project are as follows: increasing the speed and safety of underground auxiliary transportation systems; development and testing of transportation systems adapted to increased speed; development of system for controlling the traction parameters of mine transportation means; elaboration of low energy consumption ventilation of underground transportation routes; development of fully automated system for identification of human’s presence on underground conveyors and development of process optimization with persons and equipment tracking.


3DSPEC project Kick-off meeting as well as project Steering Committee meeting were held in KOMAG on 29 November 2016. The main project objective is development and implementation of e-learning course on 3D printing technology and its application in professional activities in areas like: design, education and healthcare. The course will be available in 4 languages: English, Spanish, Polish and Slovene.

The laboratories developed and validated a series of new testing methodologies, which were verified by the Polish Centre for Accreditation and then included in new scope of accreditation.

At present all KOMAG’s accredited laboratories

are authorized to carry out the tests in a flexible scope of accreditation.

Flexible scope of accreditation enables adding the parameter for testing and changing the measuring range for a given method by using own modified methods, up-dated standard methods and by implementation of new own and standard methods.

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