
Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej

Program for accreditation of certification bodies issuing opinions on the products approved for use in mining plants - DAC-21

We are glad to inform you that on 18th June 2014 our Division of Attestation Tests, Certifying Body was audited by the Polish Centre of Accreditation on the new  Program for accreditation of certification bodies issuing opinions on the products approved for use in mining plants - DAC-21 Body as the first one in our branch.

The Program was developed by PCA in agreement with the State Mining Authority to ensure consistency of approach to accreditation and supervision over the bodies certifying products, reporting the test results with assessment of the products, which need approval to be used in mining plants. Opinion of such a body can be used in taking decision by the Chairman of State Mining Authority on approval of the product for use in the mining plant, according to the regulation of Ministry of 30 April 2004 on  approval of the product for use in the mining plant (Journal of Laws 2004 No. 99 par. 1003 with further amendments). In future, new  scope of accreditation of Division of Attestation Tests, Certifying Body will include the following products: components of shaft hoisting machines in electrical and mechanical parts as well as conveyances; Koepe pulleys; suspensions of hoisting, balance, guiding and stabilizing ropes;   bearing suspensions of conveyances; slow-speed hoisting winches; shaft signalling and communication devices; rope transportation equipment; suspended monorails; floor-mounted railway and their subassemblies, wozy do przewozu osób i wozy specjalne oraz pojazdy z napędem spalinowym do przewozu osób, maszyny i urządzenia elektryczne oraz aparatura łączeniowa na napięcie powyżej 1 kV prądu przemiennego lub powyżej 1,5 kV prądu stałego, systemy łączności, bezpieczeństwa i  alarmowania oraz zintegrowane systemy sterowania kompleksów wydobywczych i przodkowych.

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