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Mid-Term and Steering Committee meeting of TRAIN4ORTHOMIS project

KOMAG Institute organized the Mid-Term and Steering Committee meeting of TRAIN4ORTHOMIS project on 14th October.


Train4OrthoMIS project aims to create, implement and set the basis for a pan-European exploitation of a new online VET course focused on ergonomic criteria in the design of working tools and of suitable operating room environments for MIS surgeons and assistants. In addition, of course, this course is also intended for medical students interested in acquiring ergonomic and usability skills associated with MIS techniques as a formative process.



El Instituto de Biomecánica (IBV) coordinates this initiative. The consortium is also formed by Institut für Biomecchanik (BGU-MURNAU); Centro de Cirugía de Mínima Invasión (CCMIJU); Institute of Mining Technology (KOMAG) and Silesian University of Technology (SUT).

You can find further information at


This project is Funded by European Commission ERASMUS+ Call 2014 KA2 – Cooperation and Innovation for Good Practices.

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