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FitWork - Good practices to develop physical activity programs at work

Title of the project: Good practices to develop physical activity programs at work

Acronym: FitWork

Contract number: 2016-3600/001-001

Project duration: 01.2017 – 06.2018

Consortium of the project:

  • Instituto de Biomecanica de Valencia – Spain (koordynator)

  • Instytut Techniki Górniczej KOMAG – Poland

  • Coimbra Iniversity – Portugal

  • Technische Universitate Eindhoven – Netherlands

  • ROMTENS – Romania

  • European Network of Workplace Health Promotion

According to the EU Physical Activity Guidelines (2008), Recommended Policy Actions in Support of Health-Enhancing Physical Activity, published in 2008, change in people lifestyles can be brought about through widespread innovation in policy and practice, and notably through increased cross-sectoral cooperation and the adoption of new roles by diverse actors who are already well-established and respected in their fields of competence.

The objective of FitWork project is to reach cooperation between ergonomic and physical activity professionals with the aim of defining fitness programs according to the demands of specific worksites. The role of ergonomic professionals is to identify musculoskeletal risks and the role of physical activity professionals is to define exercises to reduce the probability of injury by improving muscle strength and flexibility. At the end of the project, ergonomic professionals will count with information to put in place physical activity programs attending to the musculoskeletal risks detected in worksites.

Moreover, experts in health promotion programs at work will participate with the aim of sharing good practices and experiences about the implementation of this kind of programs.