
The latest news

Within the European COST 356 Action the KOMAG Centre realizes, under the auspices of the Mayor of Gliwice, Prof. Zygmunt Frankiewicz, a research project focused on activities aiming at a definition of transport of sustainable impact on environment. The measurements of PM10 and PM2.5 dust concentration in Gliwice are included in the project. They will be taken in the vicinity of the main roads of high traffic intensity in the city centre and in the areas of good ventilation conditions.

Andrzej Meder, Ph.D. Eng., Director of the KOMAG Centre has appointed Managing Board to ensure control of the system for products’ certification, conducted at the Division of Attestation Tests, Certifying Body at the KOMAG Mining Mechanization Centre, and to ensure confidence as regards certification processes, in accordance with the requirements of PN-EN 45011:2000 Standard.     

The last workshops from the cycle of four events oriented onto the subject matter of ergonomics, safety and health protection in designing and operating mechanical systems, took place at the KOMAG Centre in Gliwice, Poland from 6th till 8th July 2004. They were entitled: "Forming competence in the domain of work safety and health protection."

Due to a participation of the guests from foreign institutions the workshops, according to their objectives, had a character of a European forum of experience exchange. The participants got acquainted with the state-of-the-art methods of forming competence, enabling a creation of safe and human friendly work environment.

Forty five representations of collieries, the State Mining Authority, scientific workers from the Technical University of Silesia and the KOMAG Centre participated in the workshops.

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Mining Machines