
The latest news

Image According to decision of Director of the National Centre for Research and Development No. 59/2010 dated 15th January 2010, Scientific-and-Industrial Consortium KOMAG – ZZM, leader of which is the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology received funds for a realization of the project within IniTech entitled “Innovative solutions of mining machines increasing power security in Poland” (acronym: INERG).

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We are glad to inform you that KOMAG’s representatives are invited to “100 Years of Mining Research” International Symposium, which will be held in conjunction with “2010 SME Annual Meeting & Exhibit” on the turn of February and March 2010 in Phoenix, Arizona (USA).

We are glad to inform you that KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology, having the status of Notyfing Body (JN) No. 1456, has had its notification range extended within the scope of the new 2006/42/EC Machinery Directive as the first organization from the mining branch in Poland.

Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 On 28th May 2009 the Polish Centre for Accreditaion in Warsaw took a decision to sustain accreditation No. AB 910 for the KOMAG Laboratory of Material Engineering and Environment in Gliwice, in extended and up-dated scope.

A Decree of the Ministry of Economy on reorganization of the KOMAG Mining Mechanization Centre in Gliwice (Journal of Laws from 2008, No. 221, item 1440), dated 2nd December 2008, came into force on 1st January 2009. The reorganization consists in changing the name of the organization.

Image According to the Board decision from 9th September 2008 the KOMAG Mining Mechanization Centre became a member of the Polish Acoustical Society (PAS). PAS membership creates a possibility of a joint realization of research projects and services as well as it enables to use of laboratories of the Polish Acoustical Society and its research base. 

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Mining Machines