
Certification, conformity assessment and product assessment

In the organizational structure of the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology, apart from research and development divisions, the Division of Attestation Tests Certifying Unit, plays an important role. It is mainly financed by fees from the customers due to a realization of activities connected with certification processes. It also obtains financial means from ministerial subsidies intended for a realization of the Certifying Unit statutory activity, within the framework of tasks aimed at a dissemination of science.

Activities of the other Institute divisions and departments do not affect a confidentiality, objectivism and impartiality of work done by the Division of Attestation Tests certifying Unit which:

  • does not deliver and does not design any products, which are certified by it,
  • does not offer and does not render any services which are done by others, but it certifies them,
  • does not offer any advisory services in the scope of obtaining and maintaining a certification,
  • does not offer and does not conduct any internal audits for its certified customers,
  • does not offer and deliver any services connected with designing, implementing and maintaining quality management systems (including dedicated trainings),
  • does not deliver any other products or services, when its offer could jeopardize confidentiality, impartiality or objectivism of certification process and taken decisions,
  • it does not conduct a certification in the case of stating that a relationship between a deliver of the conformity assessment object and the Institute goes to make an inadmissible hazard to impartiality,
  • does not certify a customer’s management system in the case when a relationship between the Institute and the organization advising on this management system goes to make an inadmissible hazard to impartiality,
  • does not certify the activity of another certifying unit in the scope of the management systems certification conducted by it,
  • reacts to each hazard to impartiality.

The Institute is insured in the scope of tests and a certification of products.

The Institute is an EU Notified Body having the identification number 1456 in relation to the tasks specified in the following European directives:

  • 2006/42/EU Machinery
  • 2014/34/EU ATEX
  • 2009/48/EU Safety of Toys

The notification authorizes the Institute to conduct procedures of conformity assessments according to the above mentioned regulations in the scope of the possessed PCA (Polish Accreditation Centre) accreditation.

Simultaneously we declare that the Certifying Unit managed by us:

  • is impartial and independent and it acts as the third party;
  • does not conduct any advisory activity in the scope of management systems,
  • does not have any connections with other units rendering advisory services in the scope of management systems hazardous to its perception as an impartial and independent unit;
  • identified and analyzed all the potential conflicts of interest resulting from conducting a certification, including all the conflicts resulting form its connections.