Activity of the Laboratory of Material Engineering and Environment includes research projects and tests in the field of material engineering, environment engineering and safe use of products.
Laboratory of Material Engineering and Environment has the Accreditation No. AB 910 of the Polish Accreditation Centre in Warsaw in the following scope of accreditation:
- permanent
- flexible.
certificate + scope accreditation (AB 910)
Offer of the Laboratory of Material Engineering and Environment includes the following tests:
Testing the toys safety |
Testing the surfaces and playground equipment |
Testing the wheeled child conveyances |
Testing the toxic substances in child articles |
Testing the safety of use of children’s articles |
Testing the global migration from plastics and plastic products intended to come into contact with food |
Material tests |
Testing the electric and electronic equipment for conformity with RoHS Directive |
Testing the barbeques burning solid fuels and firelighters for barbequing Barbeques and firelighters sold on the European market should be tested to confirm their conformity with the requirements of PN-EN 1860-1,3,4 standards harmonized with the Directive No. 2001/95/EC |
The Laboratory offers tests in environment engineering according to the requirements of PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018-02 Management System. In this scope the Laboratory offers analyses of physical-and-chemical properties of industrial wastes, including mining wastes, as regards possibility of using the wastes in the power industry or as aggregates for road construction as well as of their impact on environment.
The Laboratory takes part in research activities of the Polish Testing Laboratories Club POLLAB, including the Division of Materials Testing, the Division of Machines, Equipment and Transportation Means as well as POLLAB-CHEM/EURACHEM-PL Division. Specialists from the Laboratory take part in activities of Toy Safety Forum and Committee No 237 on Babies and Toddlers Articles and Toys Safety. They organize trainings on safe use of toys, including trainings within branch fairs organized every year.