Method of parameterisation and selection of control algorithms for AFC’s
Krzysztof HERBUŚ
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Edition of a new series entitled “Scientific projects – the KOMAG’s monographs” was initiated at the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology in 2003. Contact e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Contact e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Method of parameterisation and selection of control algorithms for AFC’s
Krzysztof HERBUŚ
Method for positioning of a roadheader in a roadway
Gabriel KOST
Acoustic method for testing the single electrostatic discharges
Method for controlling the bucket conveyor in a jig beneficiation node
Gabriel KOST
Methodology for identifying the selected mechanical hazards in auxiliary transport of underground mines
Air-water spraying method for reducing the methane and coal dust explosion hazard as well as for reducing the airborne dust concentration
Methodology for selection of operating point of an engine in a hybrid drive with use of simulation models
Arkadiusz MĘŻYK
Methodology for identification of significant sources of sound in areas of mining and power plant objects. Laboratory tests and theoretical studies
Prediction of frictional coupling of wheel and rail in control of braking systems of rail vehicles
Andrzej Baier
Andrzej Niedworok
Impact of parameters of spraying stream on reduction of concentration of dust generated by longwall shearer
Dominik Bałaga
Marek Jaszczuk
Ecological problems of diesel engines used in hard coal mine undergrounds
Krzysztof Kaczmarczyk
Marek Brzeżański
Methodology for identification of significant sources of sound in areas of mining and power plant objects. Laboratory tests and theoretical studies
Aneta Augustyn
Research work on wet dust control process of roadway air using a dispersion dust collector
Marek Jedziniak
Jan Hehlmann
Use of the energy recuperation system in a diesel engine of the mining machine
Jerzy Świder
Mariusz Woszczyński
An increasing number of electric and electronic devices in vehicles improves the safety and comfort of users as well as imposes higher requirements to power supply systems. Moreover, the global shortage of fuel requires a development of hybrid and electric vehicles. Recovery of waste thermal energy and its conversion into electricity are the economic and environment friendly methods to supply power to vehicles.
Tests of acoustic field in closed areas of power plants
Marek Pierchała
Power objects belong to strategic installations. Characteristics of tested objects make tests and acoustic analyses more difficult. Thus, it was necessary to verify and compare available methodologies in difficult testing conditions of power objects. Methodologies based on PN-IEC 1063:1996 Standard and PN-EN ISO 3744:1999 Standard, as well as on the measurement of normal component of sound intensity were analyzed. Acoustic measurements and numerical tests of acoustic field distribution in closed areas are the subject of this monograph. The tests were carried out for a typical power plant.
Computer aided tools for shaping of competencies of underground transport workers in coal mine
Łukasz Jaszczyk
A method of conducting training of coal mines' workers with use of ICT such as virtual reality, Augmented Reality and RFID is presented in this monograph entitled "Computer aided tools for shaping of competencies of underground transport workers in coal mine". The method is based on concept of mobile training facility. It allows conducting training with use of ICT in a training center, in machines manufacturer's facility, and at user's site. Due to use of modern ICT, increasing of trainees' involvement in training process and increasing of their capability to assimilate knowledge is possible. The developed method allows change in conducting of training.
Advisory system supporting roadheader operator
Józef Jonak
Joanna Rogala-Rojek
Development of roadways with use of roadheaders is the basic work in the mining industry, which opens coal seams for extraction. In the Polish mining industry over 92% of roadways is driven by the method of cutting with roadheaders. The suggestion of advisory system, supporting the operator in selection of operational parameters, which are optimal in the local mining condition, possible to be implemented in the roadheader, is presented.
Use of air-and-water aerosol in control of airborne dust concentration in mine air
In the Polish mining industry we observe high rate of incidence of pneumoconiosis. In the last decade over 4500 cases of pneumoconiosis among the people working in mine underground were reported. Recent implementation of mining concentration in Polish mines has lead to reduction of number of dust sources, what enables concentration of dust control equipment only in few places instead of dozen or so points in the mine. However, such a technological approach promotes generation of increased amount of dust in a confined space of underground workings.
Strength calculations of koepe pulley considering the selected dynamic loads
Krzysztof TUREWICZ
Logistics chain in repairing services of a particular type of machines
Magdalena ROZMUS
Hydrochemical modelling as a part of assessment of usability of wastes from underground mining in road construction
Bożena Rakwic
Wastes from hard coal mining industry make the highest stream of industrial wastes produced in Poland. Geotechnical parameters confirm the possibility of using those wastes in road construction. Besides the act on wastes, which is under preparation, treats the wastes as by-product in coal mining process. Lack of guidelines, which enable making assessment of wastes usability, taking into account specific properties of wastes and their changes, in association with geotechnical, construction, exploitation and environmental conditions, is a limitation for a development of this economically rational and technically favourable method of using wastes.
The use of an artificial neural network in the roadheader control system
Jerzy Świder,
Dariusz Jasiulek
The pathogenesis and treatment of sepsis
Monika Gawlik-Jędrysiak
Andrzej Gamian
Impact of changes in feed parameters on operation of float system for control of collection of jig separation products
Stanisław Cierpisz
Daniel Kowol
Power and ecological effects of hard coal burning with rubber wastes
Joachim Kozioł
Piotr Matusiak
Strength tests of design of telescopic boom of mining loader
Stanisław Wolny, Marek Kalita
Formation of metal sheets connection by a cold moulding method
Krzysztof Tubielewicz, Krzysztof Turczyński
Optimization of design features of mining machines’ drive systems in the aspect of their durability and reliability
Eugeniusz Świtoński, Wojciech Chuchnowski
Impact of gas accumulator parameters on the amounts characterizing the pressure change in annular compartment of the hydraulic leg
Stanisław Szweda, Krzysztof Mazurek
Studies on technical ability of mining machines in the aspect of their assembly
Teodor Winkler, Dariusz Michalak
Design of cylindrical and bevel-cylindrical gear series of types
Wiesław Czader, Józef Drewniak
Power properties of particles surface in the product of industrial coal flotation
Jerzy Sablik, Marek Lenartowicz
Creating virtual prototypes of mining machines
Teodor Winkler, Jarosław Tokarczyk
Scuffing of gears
Jerzy Tomaszewski i Józef Drewniak
Influence of rubber fabric reinforced belt operational wear on change of belt’s percussive modulus of elasticity
Aleksander Lutyński, Stefan Gąsior
The influence of characterisation of water pulsation in water jigs on receiving selected mineral products process
Aleksander Lutyński, Mariusz Osoba
Impact of previous mining areas and tectonic disturbances on a possibility for rock burst occurrence
Zdzisław Kłeczek, Andrzej Zorychta, Dariusz Chlebowski, Włodzimierz Etryk, Adam Krzyżowski
Conditions of effective and efficient coal winning by the longwall mining system
Marek Jaszczuk, Jan Kania
Neural network in studies on rock mining process with comical-and-rotary bits
Prostański D., Jonak J
Computer aided methods for designing self-propelled road heading machines
Dudek M., Świtoński E., Winkler T., Prostański D., Wyrobek E., Tokarczyk J., Bojara S.
Powered roof support for the face-end
Kalukiewicz A., Szyguła M.
Rescue hydraulic support made of light alloys
Kalukiewicz A., Kwieciński D.
Simulation of dynamic loads in the hydraulic legs
Szuścik W., Bomersbach G.
Two-telescopic legs with channels drilled in the cylinder coats
Stoiński K., Madejczyk W.
Assessment of the mining machines and equipment conformity
Tytko A., Figiel A.
Ecological briquetted fuels. Selected aspects of the product engineering’
Helmann J., Pietrasik E.
Underground storage
Kłeczek Z. Radomski A. Zeljaś D.
Underground warehousing
Kłeczek Z. Radomski A. Zeljaś D.
Method of selection of longwall face and roadway supports for the panelling conditions
Biliński A.
Occupational risk assessment associated with dust hazard in open pit rock mines
Sobala J., Grynkiewicz-Bylina B.
Testing the dynamics characteristics of multi-disk coupling integrated with planetary gear of the mining conveyors drives
Skoć A, Drwięga A
The analysis of propagation of the current and power of higher harmonics in the electrical net that contains non-linear receivers
Firczyk W.
Rock cutting using experimental cutting-and-breaking head
Jonak J., Szkudlarek Z.
Influence of impact energy of percussive mechanism on advance of hydraulic rotary-percussive drill
Kalukiewicz A., Nieśpiałowki K.