
Editorial board


Programme Council of KOMAG Publication

Council Chairman:

Witold Biały, KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology (Poland)


Council Members:

Thorsten Diercks DEBRIV – Deutscher Braunkohlen – Industrie – Verein e.V. (Germany)

Carsten Drebenstedt Technical University of Freiberg (Germany)

Renata Eisenvortová ZSDNP – Czech Confederation of Coal and Oil Producers (Czech Republic)

Horst Gondek Technical University of Ostrava (Czech Republic)

Joel M. Haight University of Pittsburgh (USA)

Nicholaos Koukouzas CERTH/CPERI –Chemical Process & Energy Resources Institute (Greece)

Daniela Marasova Technical University of Košice (Slovak Republic)

Wiesław "Wes" Grebski, Pensylvania State University

Arkadiusz Mężyk Silesian Technical University (Poland)

Michael Myszkowski Caterpillar Global Mining (Germany)

Stanisław Prusek FASING S. A. Factories of Mining Equipment and Tools Capital Group (Poland)

Brian Ricketts EURACOAL European Association for Coal and Lignite (Great Britain)

Andres Siirde Tallin University of Technology (Estonia)

Peter Blistan Technical University of Kosice (Slovak Republic)

Jerzy Świder KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology (Poland)

Eugeniusz Świtoński Silesian Technical University (Poland)

Franz-Josef Wodopia VDKi – Verein der Kohlenimporteure e.V. (Germany)

Nenad Zrnić University of Belgrade (Serbia)

Greg Galecki, Missouri University of Science and Technology, (USA)

Pavol Božek University of Technology in Bratislava (Slovak Republic)



Sekretarz Wydawnictwa

Dorota Wierzbicka - Instytut Techniki Górniczej KOMAG

                           - telefon 32 2374 517, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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