Testing the RES and charging stations for electric vehicles and batteries


KOMAG  Laboratory of Applied Tests was the first Laboratory in Poland to be accredited by the Polish Centre for Accreditation for testing the electricity generating units connected to the power grid as defined in the Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/631 of April 14, 2016 (NC RfG).

Our equipment enables comprehensive testing the electricity generating units (including PV inverters and inverters cooperating with water and wind turbines) in the scope of NC RfG / PTPiREE.

In addition to tests confirming compliance with the Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/631 (NC RfG), the Laboratory offers testing the production units according to the following documents:

  • standardized testing methods, including the following standards:
    • PN-EN 50549-1:2019-02/Ap1:2020-08,
    • VDE-AR-N 4105:2018-11,
    • DIN VDE V 0124-100:2020-06.
  • customer guidelines,
  • engineering tests.

In test our laboratory uses the following:

  • multifunctional network simulator with a power of up to 250 kVA / 250 kW,
  • programmable bidirectional DC power supply with a power of up to 214 kW (with maximum power point tracking - MPPT),
  • 6-channel power analysers and a power quality analyser.

The laboratory testing capabilities are extended by the following tests:

  • protection against islanding of electricity generating units connected to public power grid in accordance with the guidelines of PN-EN 62116: 2014-11 (Loss of Mains - LoM).
  • batteries for energy storage used in the power industry, as well as for powering the EVs,
  • electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) and electric vehicles (EV) in terms of AC and DC (CCS). The scope of tests includes the following standards: IEC 61851-1, IEC 61851-23, ISO 15118-4, ISO 15118-5. In cooperation with the network simulator it is possible to simulate vehicle charging with direct current (CCS) of a power of up to 200 kW.



Łukasz Orzech, Ph.D. Eng.
Manager of the Laboratory of Applied Tests
phone: +48 32 237 48 19
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.