
Monograph 13

Testing the dynamics characteristics of multi-disk coupling integrated with planetary gear of the mining conveyors drives

Skoć A, Drwięga A


Problems associated with mining conveyors drives as regards a new solution of such a drive were discussed in first chapters of the paper. State-of-the-art drives of conveyors used in the mining industry require advanced technical solutions due to an interdependent operation of few drives which are summing on the common wrapping connector (chain or belt), so there is a need for additional load balance in each of the drives. Lack of such load balance causes unwanted use of higher total drives power than it is required. Besides, installation of higher power in the conveyors requires a tandem and load-less startup of motors in each drive to reduce undesired drop of voltage in the supply network. Analyses of currently used technical solutions as regards driving technology in conveyors were carried out.
An idea of new technical solution of the drive, which meets requirements put to drives of heavy-duty mining machines, based on a special planetary gear integrated with multi-disk couplings, was presented.
Results of stand tests carried out with experimental gear with a coupling, were given in the monograph. Lot of factors of different significance level are acting on the coupling during its operation. Tested gear with a coupling was adapted to the rated power of 100 kW. Main premises which enable to relate the test results obtained on model object to the objects of higher power were specified. The main role of heat absorbing capacity of the coupling disks during frequent startups, relationship between time processes of acceleration of each shaft (inlet, outlet and coupling shafts) and rated power, relationship between coupling shaft resistance to motion in uncoupled state and residual friction were given. Changeability of friction coefficient of disks in the coupling process was identified.
A relationship, which combines the basic parameters of coupling with a maximal transferred torque, resulting from a rated power, overloading capacity of electric motor and rated rotational speed of shaft, was determined.
Some remarks regarding practical problems associated with possible designing of the driving system were included final conclusions.