
Monograph 16

Influence of impact energy of percussive mechanism on advance of hydraulic rotary-percussive drill

Kalukiewicz A., Nieśpiałowki K.


The paper consists of five basic parts.
The first part (chapters from 2 to 4), which is a descriptive part, presents basic information as regards rock properties, matter of drilling as well as occurrences connected with impact energy present in percussive mechanism of hydraulic rotary-percussive drill.
The reasons and grounds for discussion were presented in the second part (chapter 5 and chapter 6). Determination of aim and the range of testing are the summary of this part.
In the third part (chapters from 7 to 9) a design of drill, which is a tool used in drilling operations, was discussed as well as test stands, measured parameters and measuring systems were described.
The fourth part (chapters from 10 to 13) includes description of testing procedures divided into the tests of percussive mechanism and the tests of drill. The graphical interpretation of conducted tests and determination of unreliability of measurements are also included in this part.
The fifth part (chapter 14 and chapter 15) presents the summary and conclusions of conducted tests and determines directions for further work.