
Monograph 34

The pathogenesis and treatment of sepsis

Monika Gawlik-Jędrysiak
Andrzej Gamian

Systemic bacterial infections in patients of hospital intensive care units are growing medical problem. Sever sepsis is diagnosed in more than 16% of these patients, and a number of cases grows every year. Sepsis is caused by pathogenic microorganisms, as an effect of enhanced immune systemic response to the presence of pathogen. In the course of sepsis several cellular mediators are released such as interferon, interleukins, histamine and others. Complement is activated as well as coagulation processes and realizing of kinins are initiated. Consequently, endothelium is damaged and other tissues what leads to whole organs dysfunction. In case of infections caused by Gram-negative bacteria, their lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is responsible for the over activation of immune system of organism. Understanding of relationship of structure of lipopolysaccharide and its endotoxicity was the goal of extensive studies which resulted in elaboration of new approaches to treatment of sepsis and infectious diseases. In experimental therapies of sepsis are considered factors which recognize and neutralize the endotoxin in organism.