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Technology Transfer and Marketing Activities

The activities, aiming at an increase of enterprise competitiveness due to an implementation of innovative products and technologies, play an essential role in the strategy of the KOMAG Institute. These activities are realized by the Technology Transfer Centre oriented onto an implementation of innovative solutions, in particular to small and medium-sized enterprises, advisory services in the scope of the state-of-the-art technologies from the domain of mechanical systems, mechanical processing of minerals, environmental protection as well as the activities oriented onto getting some financial support for the projects of this type from the European Union Structural Funds.

In the present EU financial perspective for the years 2007-2013 a realization of 16 regional operational programmes and of national programmes such as: Innovative Economy, Infrastructure and Environment is planned. Their main objectiveis to implement innovative technologies, products and organizational or marketing solutions. These programmes enable to support innovative undertakings.

KOMAG offers assistance in applying for a financial support of the following activities:

  • tests and development of the state-of-the-art technologies,
  • applying for capital to be spent on innovations,
  • investments in innovative undertakings,
  • intellectual property management,
  • marketing activities in foreign markets.

The offer of the Technology Transfer Centre is oriented onto an analysis of chances and possibilities of getting funds and a preparation of application forms for a project financial support from the EU Structural Funds.

The offer includes among others:

  • advisory services and assistance in selecting the operational programme which is most appropriate for the planned undertaking,
  • analyses of possibilities, chances and degree of meeting the assessment criteria required in a given programme,
  • analyses and preparation of planned projects,
  • a preparation of project shortened versions, so called "project fiche",
  • a preparation of business plans,
  • a preparation of project application forms together with the required enclosures,
  • advisory services and assistance during the application assessment stage.