
Tests of toys' safety

Within the Accreditation No. AB 910 the Laboratory of Material Engineering and Environment offers the safety tests of toys for conformity with the requirements of the standards harmonized with 88/378/EWG Directive (Toy Directive), including:

  • PN-EN 71-1 “Safety of toys. Part 1. Mechanical and physical properties”,
  • PN-EN 71-2 “Safety of toys. Part 2. Flammability”,
  • PN-EN 71-3 “Safety of toys. Migration of certain elements”,
  • PN-EN 71-8 “Safety of toys. Part 8. Swings, slides and similar activating toys for indoor and outdoor domestic use”.

The offer for the safety tests of toys is directed to, among others, manufacturers, importers and distributors who commercialize toys.

Tests of toys include:

  • tests of mechanical and physical properties:
-    size of small toys or components,
-    torque test, tension test, tip over test, compression test and soaking test,
-    drop test, impact test,
-    accessibility of toy’s part or component,  
-    sharpness of edges and points,
-    flexibility of wires,
-    percentage of material expansion in x, y and z directions,
-    leakage of liquid-filled toys,
-    geometrical shape of certain toys,
-    durability of mouth-actuated toys,
-    strength of folding or sliding mechanisms,
-    thickness and electric resistivity of cords,
-    static and dynamic strength and stability of toys intended to bear the mass of a child,
-    kinetic energy of projectiles as well as bows and arrows,
-    thickness of plastic sheeting,
-    brake performance,
-    strength of toy scooters steering tubes,
-    level of emission acoustic pressure corrected by A and C frequency characteristic,
-    peak level of emission acoustic pressure corrected by C frequency characteristic,
-    speed of electrically driven ride-on toys,  
-    rise of temperature,
-    support and durability of toy chest lids,
-    size of small balls and suction cups,
-    size of figurines,
-    condition of packaging,
-    assessment of marking, warnings and instructions.
  • tests of flammability
  • tests of migration of certain elements: chrome (Cr), arsenic (As), selenium (Se), cadmium (Cd), antimony (Sb), barium (Ba) and lead (Pb).  

Certificate of conformity with the harmonized standards is granted on the basis of toy safety test results.

Laboratory of Material Engineering and Environment

Manager: Beata Grynkiewicz-Bylina, Ph.D. Eng.

Phone: +48 32 237 46 65
Fax: +48 32 231 08 43
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.