Tests of resistance to light and weather conditions


Scope of testing:

  • plastics,
  • paints and varnishes,
  • textiles,
  • wood, paper,
  • construction products (e.g. window profiles, roof gutters, garage gates, shutters and roller blinds),
  • materials and products used for car external and internal components.


Tests are conducted for conformity with the requirements of the  following standards:

  • Plastics Standard Series:

PN-EN ISO 4892-1, 4892-2,

  • Textiles. Colour fastness Standard Series:

PN-EN ISO 105-B02, 105-B04, 105-B06,

  • Paints and varnishes Standard Series:

PN-EN ISO 16474-1, 16474-2,

  • Building construction Standards:

PN-EN ISO 11431.