KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology


Innovative solutions for economy.

Research and development centre of organizational and proprietary structure adapted to the market activity in the European Research Area and of the organizational culture creating a friendly climate for generating new ideas and realizing innovative activities, i.e. transforming new ideas into new products.
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Designing of machines and equipment


Laboratory of Applied Tests


Assessment of products' conformity


Projects realized by the KOMAG Institute from European Funds

Extended possibilities of KOMAG’s testing services

Three testing laboratories at our Institute underwent joint assessment made by the Polish Centre for Accreditation. It was the first assessment realized at KOMAG in so-called integrated system where all laboratories were assessed according to the same criteria at the same time by a seven-person team of auditors.

Such approach enabled faster and more comprehensive assessment made by Accrediting Body what, in a result, confirmed relevant competences of the personnel of laboratories and well organized and well functioning management system. In a consequence, the Polish Centre for Accreditation issued three new certificates in May 2012, which prolong the authorization till 2016, for the following laboratories:

  • Laboratory of Tests – certificate No. AB 039
  • Laboratory of Applied Tests – certificate No. AB 665
  • Laboratory of Material Engineering and Environment – certificate No. AB 910.

This audit was also a chance to extend the scope of accredited tests and to increase the possibilities of testing services.
The Laboratory of Material Engineering and Environment, which is accredited in testing the safety of use of products for children, extended its scope of accreditation by the tests of baby carriers and reclined cradles. Moreover, the range of accredited tests of functional properties of textiles was completed with colour fastness to perspiration and water, which is required, among others, during testing the protective clothes.  

The Laboratory of Applied Tests extended its scope of accreditation by testing methodology of vibrations having impact on municipal buildings according to the requirements of the PN-85/B-02170 Standard and vibrations having impact on people in buildings according to the requirements of the PN-85/B-02171 Standard.
It is worth mentioning that the assessment maintained authorization of the Laboratory of Applied Tests and the Laboratory of Material Engineering and Environment to carry out tests in a flexible scope of accreditation, which is only possible in a few laboratories in Poland.
We would like to encourage you to get acquainted with the new scopes of accreditation of the laboratories as well as with the lists of tests carried out within flexible scope of accreditation.