KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology


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Headgear wheel and drum linings
Hansel J.

S u m m a r y
New type headgear wheel and drum linings (the trademark modar® is copyright protected) were designed and  engineered at The AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków. The exclusive manufacturer of the several available versions of the headgear wheel lining modar® is the work cooperative SPOIWO in Radom. Three types of linings are available now: Modar R3/Mz, Modar R5/Kk, Modar M7/Wz. The linings modar® have all the certificates, licences and permits  required by the law. Headgear wheel linings designated as Modar R3/Mz, featuring large and stable values of friction coefficient (frictional contact)  are intended for headgear wheels and drums in mine hoists, cable railways, ski lifts and other rope transport installations. Linings designated as Modar R7/Wz are intended for drums and Koepe pulleys operated in the conditions of explosion hazard: for instance in underground mine excavations. Further- more, apart from the general characteristics, they display most advantageous electrostatic features and are slow-burning. Linings designated as Modar R5/Kk are intended for rope pulleys and might be employed in most rope transport installations. When employed, the fatigue endurance of wire ropes is significantly improved. The linings Modar R5/Kk might be applied to protect the pulleys in hoisting installations with the winders in the headframe or on the shaft level.