KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology


Innovative solutions for economy.

Research and development centre of organizational and proprietary structure adapted to the market activity in the European Research Area and of the organizational culture creating a friendly climate for generating new ideas and realizing innovative activities, i.e. transforming new ideas into new products.
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Designing of machines and equipment


Laboratory of Applied Tests


Assessment of products' conformity


Projects realized by the KOMAG Institute from European Funds


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Efficiency of three-product washing process on KOMAG jigs together with modernized receiving system on the example of Rydułtowy-Anna Colliery
Będkowski Z., Skruch B.

S u m m a r y
Efficiency of three-product washing process on KOMAG jigs together with modernized receiving system was describe on an example of “Rydułtowy-Anna” Colliery. Special attention should be paid on the project realized in Rydułtowy-Anna” Colliery RI, not only because of wide work front or participation of few sub-contractors to realize some special tasks but first of all due to a close collaboration of KOMAG’s specialists with EMAG both at the stage of preparation of initial technical assumptions and at the stage of startup operations.