KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology


Innovative solutions for economy.

Research and development centre of organizational and proprietary structure adapted to the market activity in the European Research Area and of the organizational culture creating a friendly climate for generating new ideas and realizing innovative activities, i.e. transforming new ideas into new products.
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Designing of machines and equipment


Laboratory of Applied Tests


Assessment of products' conformity


Projects realized by the KOMAG Institute from European Funds


Article Index

The proposal of algorithmization of design process of the mining face machines
Gospodarczyk P.

Determination, by the analytical method, an ability of powered roof support to take over an increased dynamic load
Stoiński K., Kostyk T.

Mine string bolts of a high dynamic resistance
Pytlik A.

New inserts for force measurements in ropes in the mining shaft hoists  
Małecki J., Meder A., Wróbel T.

Device for removal of excessive lubricant from hoisting and balancing ropes in the mine hoisting machines
Wolny S., Hryciuk J., Dzik S.

Legal aspects of use of the machines and devices in the mining plants  
Meder A., Kaczmarczyk J.

Standardization activity at the KOMAG Mining Mechanization Centre within the last 60 years  
Zając R.

International Trade Fair for Mining, Power Generation and Metallurgy – Katowice 2005  
Malec M., Stańczak L.

The proposal of algorithmization of design process of the mining face machines
Gospodarczyk P.

S u m m a r y
The algorithm for designing the mining face machines, which main methodical assumption is treating the machine as if it was a part of a complex face mechanization system were presented. Criteria for evaluation of the quality of machine, such as its efficiency, reliability, durability, etc., should be extended by economical criteria. They enable to verify the solution usefulness for the user in specified operational conditions, from the realized economical target point of view. In a design process it is important to take into account the relations between designed machine and other parts of the face mechanization system. Strict requirements of the users and degree of development of technical solutions as well as the costs cause that it is not enough to treat them as if they were only the visibility studies for the machine which is designed. Complete integration of a design process of the machine and machinery system is indispensable.

Determination, by the analytical method, an ability of powered roof support to take over an increased dynamic load
Stoiński K., Kostyk T.

S u m m a r y
The analytical method for determination of degree and efficiency of ability of hydraulic components of powered roof supports to take over an increased dynamic load was presented on the basis of the regulations and standards determining usefulness of powered roof supports susceptibility for dynamic loads which were designed for operation in seams exposed to bumping hazard. The method uses the knowledge of dynamic phenomena which occur in distressed rock mass as well as mathematical model of powered roof support for determination of possibilities and conditions for effective transfer of dynamic loads.

Mine string bolts of a high dynamic resistance
Pytlik A.

S u m m a r y
Mine string bolts of a high dynamic resistance were presented in the paper. Special attention was paid to a new string bolt structure of the IR-4W type. This bolt is designed to be used in the areas of increased rock mass pressure and in the conditions of rock bursts and bumps. Set of the components of the IR-4W string bolt was approved to be used in the underground workings of mines by the State Mining Authority in Katowice.

New inserts for force measurements in ropes in the mining shaft hoists  
Małecki J., Meder A., Wróbel T.

S u m m a r y
The paper presents results of tests and assessment of the WPS-Ec inserts, which were carried out in a Division of Statutory Tests in the KOMAG Mining Mechanization Centre. The inserts are used for force measurements in ropes in the mining shaft hoists and due to this they are installed in the suspensions of conveyances and shaft hoist ropes. The use of these inserts means the use of additional safety measure during the ropes’ operation in the shaft hoists, which will have wide range of possibilities to be used. This measure is a practical tool, not commonly used so far, which can be used by the personnel responsible for the safety of mining shaft hoists’ operations.

Device for removal of excessive lubricant from hoisting and balancing ropes in the mine hoisting machines
Wolny S., Hryciuk J., Dzik S.

S u m m a r y
Device for removal of excessive lubricant from the ropes of mine hoisting machines is presented in the paper. Such a device consisting of a head and of a base enables an installation of a head during operation of removal the excessive lubricant from hoisting ropes, as well as of a set of guide rolls, which ensures the same process conditions along the whole rope length.

Legal aspects of use of the machines and devices in the mining plants  
Meder A., Kaczmarczyk J.

S u m m a r y
Legal aspects of use of the machines and devices in the mining plants from the 17th of May 2005, which were not changed at the moment of preparation of the paper, were presented.

Standardization activity at the KOMAG Mining Mechanization Centre within the last 60 years  
Zając R.

S u m m a r y
60 years of the KOMAG Mining Mechanization Centre activity is a good reason to take a retrospective look at one of those fields of KOMAG activity which is not indirectly connected with research or design work but refers to the standardization and creation of the uniform technical requirements for the mining machines and devices. Due to the fact that last year the 80-year activity of the Polish Standardization Committee was celebrated, it is worth to consider how the standardization work was carried out by the KOMAG Centre.

International Trade Fair for Mining, Power Generation and Metallurgy – Katowice 2005  
Malec M., Stańczak L.

S u m m a r y
The paper is a presentation of the Katowice 2005 Fair. The KOMAG Mining Mechanization Centre also had its stand at the Fair and presented its offer referring, among others, to mechanization systems, systems for processing the coal and other raw minerals as well as the offer referring to designs of mining machines and equipment as well as other designs.