KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology


Innovative solutions for economy.

Research and development centre of organizational and proprietary structure adapted to the market activity in the European Research Area and of the organizational culture creating a friendly climate for generating new ideas and realizing innovative activities, i.e. transforming new ideas into new products.
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Designing of machines and equipment


Laboratory of Applied Tests


Assessment of products' conformity


Projects realized by the KOMAG Institute from European Funds


  • Tests of drive systems of machines with yielding couplings  
    Filipowicz K.
  • Operation of lifting conveyor used on downward transportation routes in “Marcel” Colliery 
    Lutyński A., Kozubek A.
  • System of air-water spraying installation in road- headers manufactured by REMAG
    Libera K., Puchała B., Prostański D., Bałaga D.
  • Concept of adaptive control system in roadheaders manufactured by REMAG, JSC
    Jonak J., Prostański D., Jasiulek D., Rogala-Rojek J., Puchała B.
  • Use of biodegradable substances as components of coal flotation agent 
    Grynkiewicz-Bylina B., Rakwic B.
  • Impact of new designs of vibrating centrifuges on the efficiency of dewatering of coal fines 20–0 mm 
    Matusiak P., Bal M., Łagódka M., Lenartowicz M., Kowol D.
  • Multimedia training materials for hard coal mines – assessment of present condition and development trends
    Michalak D., Rozmus M.

Tests of drive systems of machines with yielding couplings

Filipowicz K.

Design and principle of operation of test stands designed for testing of drive systems and to determine characteristics of yielding couplings were presented in the paper. Testing methodology and examples of time processes of measured amounts, which were obtained from the tests carried out on these stands, were discussed.

Operation of lifting conveyor used on downward transportation routes in “Marcel” Colliery

Lutyński A., Kozubek A.

Problems associated with operation of lifting belt conveyor used on downward transportation routes in “Marcel” Colliery were presented in the paper. The conveyor, which is very interesting, innovative solution of run-of-mine transportation from mine underground to the surface, was started up in February 2008. Its length is equal to 1960 m, height to which the run-of-mine is transported is equal to 384 m, and three drives have motors of power equal to 860 kW each. The conveyor was described in the paper, its technical data, operational conditions and use of diagnostic and control systems were given, and selected operational parameters for the whole range of its operation time were analyzed.

System of air-water spraying installation in road- headers manufactured by REMAG

Libera K., Puchała B., Prostański D., Bałaga D.

New solutions of air-water system to control methane and dust hazard used in roadheading machines were presented in the paper. Advantages of the developed solution that is planned to be used in difficult mining conditions and in the case of occurring of natural hazards, were listed. System’s structure and its rules of operation as well as research work that had led to the implantation of the water system for use was described.  Results from testing the efficiency of control of the following hazards : coal dust explosion and methane ignition in Barbara Experimental Colliery were given.

Concept of adaptive control system in roadheaders manufactured by REMAG, JSC

Jonak J., Prostański D., Jasiulek D., Rogala-Rojek J., Puchała B.

The paper presents the results of work realized within research development project No. R03 031 02 entitled “Intelligent control system of roadheader” financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The project objective was to increase the safety and effectiveness of drivage of roadways by increase of automation of drivage and prediction of drivage parameters adequate to momentary conditions of cutting. Results of research work, including concept and algorithms of innovative control system and visualization software, were discussed in the paper. Information as regards assumptions for design of adaptive control system and description of basic control functions were presented. Results of both stand and operational tests, which were conducted on R-130 roadheader manufactured by REMAG, JSC, and which confirm the correctness of accepted concept, were presented.

Use of biodegradable substances as components of coal flotation agent

Grynkiewicz-Bylina B., Rakwic B.

Results of research work on biodegradable substances that are components of coal flotation agent were presented in the paper. Assumptions aiming at assessment of effectiveness of coal flotation with use of new flotation agent as well as impact of flotation wastes on environment were presented. Testing methods and their realization in laboratory conditions were discussed. Results of tests were assessed in the light of accepted criteria.

Impact of new designs of vibrating centrifuges on the efficiency of dewatering of coal fines 20–0 mm

Matusiak P., Bal M., Łagódka M., Lenartowicz M., Kowol D.

Efficient dewatering and separation of finest particles of coal fines improves their quality by reduction of water content and increase of their calorific value. Impact of mechanical parameters of WOW vibrating centrifuges on efficiency of dewatering of coal fines was presented. New design solutions used in WOK vibrating centrifuges were given. Impact of rotational speed as well as vibration frequency of centrifugal basket on emitted noise and generated vibrations at work stand were discussed.

Multimedia training materials for hard coal mines – assessment of present condition and development trends

Michalak D., Rozmus M.

Multimedia technologies based on virtual reality became more popular in trainings. Animations presenting recommended method of realization of each activity and reconstructions of accidents are examples of such materials. Training materials in multimedia form for hard coal mines have been developed from many years by KOMAG. Results of test on assessment of above mentioned materials by selected users were presented in the paper.