
  • The KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology is nominated as Expert on issues related to an Operation of a mining plant in Group XI – powered roof supports and is possesses an authorization issued by the President of the State Mining Authority (Decision No. GPO.911.15.2016 dated 21st December 2016) in the scope of issuing opinions on a possibility of using different types of powered roof supports in one longwall, taking into consideration both technical specifications of supports, as well as mining and geological conditions of a given longwall panel (440, Passage 8 of Minister’s of Economy Decree dated 28th June 2002 on the matter of work safety and hygiene, conducting an operation and specialistic fire-fighting protection Official Gazette from 2002 No. 139, Item 1169 with later changes).
  • KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology is nominated as Expert on matters related to an operation of a mining plant in:
    1. Group I – hoisting machines – a) mechanical part and b) electrical part – in the scope of:
      • a participation in repairs of carrying components of shaft hoists - 540, Passage 3 of Minister’s of Energy Decree dated 23rd November 2016 on the matter of detailed requirements concerning an operation of underground mining plants (Official Gazette from 2017, Item 1118), later called “Decree”,
      • taking measurements using specialistic apparati in the framework of the shaft, shaft reinforcement, shaft equipment and components of the shaft hoist inspection - 600 Passage 3 of the Decree,
      • an inspection of a hoisting machine – Item of Annex No. 4 to the Decree, at least once a year,
      • performing at least once every three years of non-destructive tests, used for an assessment of a technical condition of the main shaft and of the brake lever system – Item of Annex No. 4 to the Decree,
      • tests of hoisting machines in shaft hoists of sinking and reinforcing of shafts after each their assembly in a new work place – Item of Annex No. 4 to the Decree,
      • conducting a detailed analysis of calculations and of a brake operation – Item, Sub-section 1 of Annex No. 4 to the Decree,
      • an elaboration of opinions on brake settings – Item, Sub-section 2 of Annex No. 4 to the Decree,
      • efficiency tests of hoisting machine braking system performed at least once every twelve months using a recording measurement apparatus – Item, Sub-section 6 of Annex No. 4 to the Decree.
    2. Group VI – rope pulleys – in the scope of:
      • a participation in repairs of carrying components of shaft hoists - 540, Passage 3 of the Decree,
      • taking measurements using specialistic apparati within the framework of the shaft, shaft reinforcement, shaft equipment and components of the shaft hoist inspection - § 600, Passage 3 of the Decree,
      • conducting at least every three years an inspection of rope – guiding – indentation pulleys – Item of Annex No. 4 to the Decree,
      • performing non-destructive tests axes of newly installed pulleys after three years of their exploitation and determining the dates of the following tests – Item of Annex No. 4 to the Decree,

and it possesses an authorization issued by the President of the State Mining Authority (Decision No. GEM.911.18.2018 dated 24th July 2018).

Technical condition assessment of powered roof support unit

The KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology has participated in a realization of technical condition assessment of powered roof support units conducted according to Annex 4 to Minister’s of Energy Decree dated 23rd November 2016 (Official Gazette 2017, Item 1118 – since 1st July 2017 – earlier on the basis of Minister’s of Economy Decree dated 25th June 2010, changing the decree on work safety and hygiene, conducting operation and specialistic fire-fighting in underground mining plants (Official Gazette 2010, No. 126, Item 855 changing the Official Gazette No. 139, Item 1169) in the matter of detailed requirements concerning an operation of underground mining plants, i.e. in:

  • technical surveys,
  • technical tests,

and it also conducts tests of indicated units in the accredited KOMAG Laboratory.

Expert opinions

The specialistic employed at the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology, having a multi-year experience and a high level of technical knowledge elaborate opinions and technical expert opinions in the scope of the KOMAG activity such as:

  • assessments connected, among others, with an assessment of machinery technical condition, possibilities of using determined machines and equipment, break-down reasons of technical objects,
  • reports (assessments) on environmental impacts,
  • acoustic analyses of industrial and public utilities,
  • progammes of environmental protection and plans of waste management.

In the organizational structure of the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology, apart from research and development divisions, the Division of Attestation Tests Certifying Unit, plays an important role. It is mainly financed by fees from the customers due to a realization of activities connected with certification processes. It also obtains financial means from ministerial subsidies intended for a realization of the Certifying Unit statutory activity, within the framework of tasks aimed at a dissemination of science.

Activities of the other Institute divisions and departments do not affect a confidentiality, objectivism and impartiality of work done by the Division of Attestation Tests certifying Unit which:

  • does not deliver and does not design any products, which are certified by it,
  • does not offer and does not render any services which are done by others, but it certifies them,
  • does not offer any advisory services in the scope of obtaining and maintaining a certification,
  • does not offer and does not conduct any internal audits for its certified customers,
  • does not offer and deliver any services connected with designing, implementing and maintaining quality management systems (including dedicated trainings),
  • does not deliver any other products or services, when its offer could jeopardize confidentiality, impartiality or objectivism of certification process and taken decisions,
  • it does not conduct a certification in the case of stating that a relationship between a deliver of the conformity assessment object and the Institute goes to make an inadmissible hazard to impartiality,
  • does not certify a customer’s management system in the case when a relationship between the Institute and the organization advising on this management system goes to make an inadmissible hazard to impartiality,
  • does not certify the activity of another certifying unit in the scope of the management systems certification conducted by it,
  • reacts to each hazard to impartiality.

The Institute is insured in the scope of tests and a certification of products.

The Institute is an EU Notified Body having the identification number 1456 in relation to the tasks specified in the following European directives:

  • 2006/42/EU Machinery
  • 2014/34/EU ATEX
  • 2009/48/EU Safety of Toys

The notification authorizes the Institute to conduct procedures of conformity assessments according to the above mentioned regulations in the scope of the possessed PCA (Polish Accreditation Centre) accreditation.

Simultaneously we declare that the Certifying Unit managed by us:

  • is impartial and independent and it acts as the third party;
  • does not conduct any advisory activity in the scope of management systems,
  • does not have any connections with other units rendering advisory services in the scope of management systems hazardous to its perception as an impartial and independent unit;
  • identified and analyzed all the potential conflicts of interest resulting from conducting a certification, including all the conflicts resulting form its connections.

Three accredited testing laboratories are active in the organizational structure of the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology, which conduct tests according to the scope of their accreditation

No. AB 039; AB 665 and AB910; issued by the Polish Accreditation Centre in the following fields of activity:


Laboratory of Tests

The offer of the Laboratory of Tests includes:

  • tests of powered roof support units, of legs and hydraulic valves,
  • tests of friction props,
  • tests of hydraulic legs supplied centrally,
  • tests of hydraulic pipes and pipelines,
  • tests of roadway support components,
  • measurements of mechanical quantities.

Manager: Michał Placek, M.Sc.
phone: 32 2374571
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Laboratory of Applied Tests

The offer of the Laboratory of Applied Tests includes the following groups of tests:

  • environmental noise,
  • impact of vibrations on humans and vibrations of machines,
  • temperature,
  • intrinsic safety of electric circuits,
  • antielectrostatic properties of non-conducting materials,
  • environmental and climatic impact,
  • degree of enclosure protection (Code IP),
  • electrical quantities,
  • electric drives,
  • prototypes of new solutions of machines and equipment.

Manager: Łukasz Orzech, Ph.D. Eng.
phone: 32 2374819
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Laboratory of Material Engineering and Environment

The offer of the Laboratory of Material Engineering and Environment includes:

  • material and non – destructive tests,
  • tests of safe use of toys and articles for children,
  • tests of hazardous substances in materials and products for conformity with the REACH Regulation,
  • test of electric and electronic equipment for conformity with the RoHS Directive,
  • tests of materials and products intended for a contact with food,
  • safety tests of playgrounds and of surfaces absorbing falls.

Manager: Beata Grynkiewicz-Bylina, D.Sc. Eng. Prof. at KOMAG
phone: 32 2374665
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




According to the statute of the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology the scope of the Institute’s basic activity includes as follows:

  • a realization of research and development projects,
  • an adaptation of research and development projects’ results to industrial needs,
  • an implementation of research and development projects’ results to industrial practice.

The projects, realized within the a.m. activity, in most cases have a character of applied and development research, i.e. they are undertaken to get new knowledge aiming at substantial practical applications or they consist in using the gained earlier knowledge for a development of new or an improvement of existing solutions.

The subject-matter of R&D projects, conducted within the framework of the a.m. activity, is of a general character and it is of a scope as broad as possible.

It is established on the base of an analysis of novel issues getting ahead of market needs. The results of these projects form a fundamental basis of knowledge indispensable for developing ordered projects.

The projects are developed, among others, in the following fields:

  1. Smart mechatronic systems.
  2. Innovative solutions controlling hazards and increasing work safety.
  3. Innovative transportation systems for conveying people in minerals’ production plants.
  4. Technologies and technical means for a beneficiation and a classification of minerals.
  5. Environment management in industrial areas.
  6. Technologies and methods for environmental protection.
  7. Smart solutions in supply, control, diagnostic and monitoring systems of machines and equipment.
  8. Innovative hydraulic and pneumatic systems of machines and equipment.
  9. Innovative drive systems.

The KOMAG Institute also realizes research-and-development projects, basing on contracts concluded with producers of machines and equipment, their users and authorities of towns, communes and other customers in the scope given below:

  • Winding machines and equipment.
  • Transportation equipment.
  • Powered roof supports.
  • Power hydraulics and hydraulic systems.
  • Cutting and auxiliary machines.
  • Explosion-proof equipment.
  • Equipment for ventilation and dust control in roadway workings.
  • Equipment for “small mechanization”.
  • Electric equipment of explosion-proof machines and equipment.
  • Mechatronic systems for machines and equipment.
  • Internet of Things.