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18th Scientific and Technical Conference



18th- 20th September 2017, Klimczok Hotel – Szczyrk –  Poland

Invitation to Attend

KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology has a pleasure and honour of inviting you to the conference of KOMTECH cycle which will be held in September 2017.  The basic objective of the conference is a presentation of the state-of-the-art knowledge in the field of most advanced technical and technological solutions for underground mining which reduce hazards in operational processes of machines and equipment, in the aspect of work safety and health protection.


The scope of the conference includes the following subjects:

  • New design solutions and development trends of machines and equipment aiming at a reduction of operational hazards.
  • Machines and equipment for roadway and longwall mining systems.
  • Machines for highly efficient and safe horizontal transportation systems.
  • Use of mechatronic solutions in an automation of mining operations.
  • Intelligent systems for supply, control and diagnostics of machines and equipment drives.
  • Underground monitoring and visualization systems.
  • Methods of identification, modelling and visualisation of risk factors experienced while operating mining machines and equipment with regard to the relationship: man-machine-work environment.
  • Innovative techniques and technologies in the range of work safety and ergonomics.
  • State-of-the-art testing methods and technologies for identification, prediction, reduction and control of mining hazards.
  • Use of virtual reality in designing processes, modelling and simulation of mechanization systems operation.
  • Use of computer visualization in trainings and realization of anti-accident preventive actions.
  • State-of-the-art systems for work safety management in the mining industry.


Special sessions will cover the following problems:

  • Testing, designing, manufacturing and operation of hydraulic systems.
  • Safe and efficient shaft transportation systems – development prospects.


Guidelines for Authors

Registration form

Paper submission

Conference Fee:

  • Regular – EUR 330 + 23% VAT
  • Authors of Papers – EUR 270  + 23% VAT

Fee includes conference proceedings, two nights’ accommodation and meals. Catering begins with lunch on 18th September 2017 and ends with lunch on 20th September 2017. Please note that the registration is binding. After having received your payment no refunds will be made for cancellations. The fee should be paid before 1st September 2017.

Name of the Bank:    mBANK S.A.  Oddzial Katowice

Account No: PL 36 1140 1078 0000 3008 3200 1004 + BREXPLPWKAT (SWIFT code)

Address: 40-024 Katowice, ul. Powstancow 43

Account holder: Instytut Techniki Górniczej KOMAG, Pszczynska 37, PL-44101 Gliwice



Abstract submission – 16th June 2017

Full papers for review and publication – 14th July 2017

Registration – 18th August 2017

Conference fee – 1st September 2017


Conference Secretariat

Anna Okulińska

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Conference Venue:

Klimczok Hotel Resort &SPA,  Szczyrk