
Project realized within the framework of IV Priority Axis: “Increase of scientific and research potential” of the Operational Programme Smart Development 2014-2020, Activity 4.1 “Scientific research and development projects”, sub-activity 4.1.4 “Application projects” co-financed from the means of the European Regional Development Fund.

Project title:

“New generation haulage system of highly productive longwall systems”



Contract No.:

Contract No. POIR.04.01.04-00-0068/17

Project objective:

The project objective is a development and an implementation of a new generation, flexible haulage system of a shearer self-adjusting to changeable inclinations of a longwall conveyor route caused by mining-and-geological conditions and a conducted technological process using highly productive longwall systems.

Planned results:

Newly developed haulage system will be adjusted to the power of longwall shearers, used at present, but its flexibility (self-adjustment to changeable inclinations of the conveyor route) will have an impact on:

  • a production efficiency increase by:
    • a control of losses resulting from the system failures experienced at present,
    • an increase of system components life (a limitation of preventive exchanges),  
    • electric energy saving due to a reduction of shearer dislocation resistances equipped with a new haulage system in comparison with commonly used Eicotrack system,
  • an improvement of mining teams’ safety due to:
    • a possibility control of a potential occurance of accidents resulting from emergency (or preventive) exchanges of a shearer haulage system,
    • a control of rock slides and an improvement of the roof control due to a possibility of a quicker longwall conveyor advance.

Project cost:

9 957 644.85 PLN

Input of European Funds:

6 768 530.74 PLN

Project realization period:

July 2018 – June 2021

R&D Manager:

Prof. Antoni Kalukiewicz

Project Executive Manager:

Dr Edward Pieczora

The project is realized by a consortium consisting of:

KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology – Leader, Foundry Institute, AGH University of Science and Technology – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics, Innovative Enterprise of Foundry SPECODLEW Sp. z o.o. and Polish Mining Group S.A.



Project realized within the framework of IV Priority Axis: “Increase of scientific and research potential” of the Operational Programme Smart Development 2014 – 2020, Activity 4.1 “Scientific research and development projects”, Sub-activity 1.2 “Regional scientific and research functions” co-financed from the means of the European Regional Development Fund

Project title:

“Innovative mobile machine with an all purpose electric drive system, increasing the technical safety level”



Contract No.:

Contract No. POIR.04.01.02-00-0102/16

Project objective:

The project objective aims at an elaboration, manufacture and testing of an innovative mobile machine equipped with an all purpose electric drive system, increasing the technical safety level. An achievement of the assumption, made above, will eliminate mobility limitations of machines, used so far, by an introduction to a machine of the state-of-the-art hybrid electric supply system.

Planned results:

In the result of realized project an innovative mining machine, supplied by a hybrid electric drive, basing on lithium cells of new generation, will be developed. State-of-the-art systems (among others a system of a remote control with a limited range), planned to be used, will contribute significantly to an improvement of operators’ work safety, a decrease of machine energy consumption and they will offer new functionalities which so far have not been available in the mining machines of this type.

Project value:

3 093 129.01 PLN

Input of European Funds:

2 409 822.59 PLN

Project realization period:

January 2017 – December 2019

The project is realized by a scientific consortium which includes KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology – Leader and HYDROTECH S.A.


Title of the project: Good practices to develop physical activity programs at work

Acronym: FitWork

Contract number: 2016-3600/001-001

Project duration: 01.2017 – 06.2018

Consortium of the project:

  • Instituto de Biomecanica de Valencia – Spain (koordynator)

  • Instytut Techniki Górniczej KOMAG – Poland

  • Coimbra Iniversity – Portugal

  • Technische Universitate Eindhoven – Netherlands

  • ROMTENS – Romania

  • European Network of Workplace Health Promotion

According to the EU Physical Activity Guidelines (2008), Recommended Policy Actions in Support of Health-Enhancing Physical Activity, published in 2008, change in people lifestyles can be brought about through widespread innovation in policy and practice, and notably through increased cross-sectoral cooperation and the adoption of new roles by diverse actors who are already well-established and respected in their fields of competence.

The objective of FitWork project is to reach cooperation between ergonomic and physical activity professionals with the aim of defining fitness programs according to the demands of specific worksites. The role of ergonomic professionals is to identify musculoskeletal risks and the role of physical activity professionals is to define exercises to reduce the probability of injury by improving muscle strength and flexibility. At the end of the project, ergonomic professionals will count with information to put in place physical activity programs attending to the musculoskeletal risks detected in worksites.

Moreover, experts in health promotion programs at work will participate with the aim of sharing good practices and experiences about the implementation of this kind of programs.

Title of the project: Online Vocational Training course on ergonomics for orthopaedic Minimally Invasive Surgery

Acronym: Train4OrthoMIS

Contract number: 2014-1-ES01-KA202-004533

Time of project realization: 09.2014 – 08.2017

Consortium of the project:

  • Instituto de Biomecanica de Valencia – Spain (Coordinator),
  • Centro de Cirugia de Minima Invasion – Minimally Invasive Surgery Center Jesus Uson – Spain,
  • KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology – Poland,
  • Silesian University of Technology – Poland,
  • Institut fur Biomechanik Berufsgenossenschaftliche Unfallklinik Murnau – Germany.

The project is financed by Erasmus+ program.

The main objective of this project is the development of the contents and the implementation of an online course to assure surgeons a worthy education and training along their professional career regarding ergonomics and usability applied to orthopaedic Minimally Invasive Surgery of hip and spine, matching product innovation with the needs of orthopaedic surgeons and the latter with their working environment. The e-learning tool resulting from the project will be available online in 4 European languages (English, Spanish, Polish and German) in order to increase acceptance of the course.


Official website of the project

On-line course in available in 4 language versions (Polish, Spanish, German and English)
by clicking the following link:

The access to the course is for free.

Projects realized by the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology from funds of the National Centre for Research and Development:

within the Initech Project:

  • “Innovative solutions of mining machines increasing the national energy security” (acronym INERG)

within the Programme Innotech I:

  • “Armoured face conveyor with innovative control system of working parameters of drives” (acronym ICON)

within the Programme of Applied Tests I:

  • “Modelling the mechanism of explosive coal dust accumulation near the mining fronts for identification, assessment and elimination of explosion hazard” (acronym MEZAP)
  • “Innovative haulage system of mining machine increasing mining effectiveness and working safety in longwall systems” (acronym FLEXTRACK)
  • “Method of diagnostics and the programme for limiting unwanted phenomena associated with use of technical means in mine underground – organizational solutions to reduce the risk in social sub-system” (acronym PROFI)