

Project realized within the framework of IV Priority Axis: “Increase of scientific and research potential” of the Operational Programme Smart Development 2014 – 2020, Activity 4.1 “Scientific research and development projects”, Sub-activity 1.2 “Regional scientific and research functions” co-financed from the means of the European Regional Development Fund

Project title:

“Innovative mobile machine with an all purpose electric drive system, increasing the technical safety level”



Contract No.:

Contract No. POIR.04.01.02-00-0102/16

Project objective:

The project objective aims at an elaboration, manufacture and testing of an innovative mobile machine equipped with an all purpose electric drive system, increasing the technical safety level. An achievement of the assumption, made above, will eliminate mobility limitations of machines, used so far, by an introduction to a machine of the state-of-the-art hybrid electric supply system.

Planned results:

In the result of realized project an innovative mining machine, supplied by a hybrid electric drive, basing on lithium cells of new generation, will be developed. State-of-the-art systems (among others a system of a remote control with a limited range), planned to be used, will contribute significantly to an improvement of operators’ work safety, a decrease of machine energy consumption and they will offer new functionalities which so far have not been available in the mining machines of this type.

Project value:

3 093 129.01 PLN

Input of European Funds:

2 409 822.59 PLN

Project realization period:

January 2017 – December 2019

The project is realized by a scientific consortium which includes KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology – Leader and HYDROTECH S.A.