KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology


Innovative solutions for economy.

Research and development centre of organizational and proprietary structure adapted to the market activity in the European Research Area and of the organizational culture creating a friendly climate for generating new ideas and realizing innovative activities, i.e. transforming new ideas into new products.
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Designing of machines and equipment


Laboratory of Applied Tests


Assessment of products' conformity


Projects realized by the KOMAG Institute from European Funds


Article Index

Identification of critical dynamic states of conical gear in operationally oriented designing
Skoć A.

Interactive training materials for mining machines assembling /disassembling processes 
Jaszczyk Ł., Michalak D

Concept for supplying the longwall system with 6 kV voltage on example of Knurów Colliery 
Meder A., Budzyński Z., Pieczora E., Matuszewski J., Gwiżdż W., Krakowczyk B., Wundersee F.

Crown tools – bits of new generation for cutting a compact rock
Kalukiewicz A., Gospodarczyk P., Kotwica K., Łapa D.

Improvement of functionality of mine transportation diesel machines 
Drwięga A., Kulesza K., Sobolewski A.

Modernization of face development work by using ŁBT-1200EH/LS-A side discharge loader
Kalita M., Pieczora E., Prostański D., Wyrobek E.

Designing, testing and operational tests of air-water spraying installation for dust and methane control installed in KSW-460 longwall shearer
Prostański D., Rojek P.

Structures protecting operators of face mining 
Kalita M., Prostański D., Tokarczyk J., Wyrobek E.

Identification of critical dynamic states of conical gear in operationally oriented designing
Skoć A.

S u m m a r y
Counteracting to disadvantageous results of dynamic interactions between components of a toothed gearbox is possible by application of relevant methods and measures aimed at mitigation of tooth-to-tooth dynamic forces that may origin in a toothed gearbox. For that purpose possession of adequate knowledge on reasons for excitation of gear components is indispensable. In particular, it is necessary to know what makes the toothed gears vibrate and what are the effects of such oscillations. In other words, it is necessary to examine mutual interconnections between reasons and effects that define dynamic constitution of a gearbox, which is crucial for loads to its components. The gearbox designer must make efforts to avoid operation of a gearbox under threat of excessive excitation of toothed gears and making them oscillate as these are conditions where parameters for dynamic loads may significantly exceed the values that had been adopted in the algorithm for calculation of the gearbox strength. Scope of this paper is solely limited to the analysis of the impact of the circumferential velocity of toothed gears on the toot-to-tooth dynamic load, which is closely connected with the impact of excitation frequency. The objective of the analysis is to find critical values of that velocity and define the bandwidth where local maxima of dynamic.

Interactive training materials for mining machines assembling /disassembling processes 
Jaszczyk Ł., Michalak D

S u m m a r y
Possibilities of using interactive simulations as training materials for mining machines assembling/disassembling processes were presented. Interactive simulations can be a supplement of training materials for new coming employees and they also can be used for preparation of technical-and-operational documentation.

Concept for supplying the longwall system with 6 kV voltage on example of Knurów Colliery 
Meder A., Budzyński Z., Pieczora E., Matuszewski J., Gwiżdż W., Krakowczyk B., Wundersee F.

S u m m a r y
Seeking for coal mining costs reduction is connected with a reduction of number of longwall faces with increasing of unit production at the same time. That can be achieved by increasing of machines output.  Concept for supplying the integrated group of longwall machines with 6 kV voltages in geological and mining conditions of Knurów Colliery was presented in the paper.

Crown tools – bits of new generation for cutting a compact rock
Kalukiewicz A., Gospodarczyk P., Kotwica K., Łapa D.

S u m m a r y
Mechanical cutting in the underground mining industry is at present the most popular mining method for coal winning and for driving the opening roadways and development roadways. The method consists in direct impact or static pressing of cutting tool on a solid rock. Energy delivered in such a way is used to overcome internal rock cohesive forces. Rock cutting is most popular winning method, which is realized using cutting tools. Tangential-and-rotational bits are used most frequently to cut compact rocks.

Improvement of functionality of mine transportation diesel machines 
Drwięga A., Kulesza K., Sobolewski A.

S u m m a r y
State-of-the-art mine transportation diesel machines were described in the paper. Series of novelty solutions, which enable to increase transportation efficiency and safety, were used in realization of the project. Collaboration of RFM RYFAMA and FMG PIOMA resulted in development of three solutions, which were presented in the paper.

Modernization of face development work by using ŁBT-1200EH/LS-A side discharge loader
Kalita M., Pieczora E., Prostański D., Wyrobek E.

S u m m a r y
Main technical parameters and operational experience of ŁBT-1200EH/LS-A side discharge loader, with a telescopic boom, which is used in driving of roadways with explosives, were presented in the paper. Also a design of loader and the method of its modernization as regards meeting requirements of European Directives were given. Trends of further development of loader design were also included.

Designing, testing and operational tests of air-water spraying installation for dust and methane control installed in KSW-460 longwall shearer
Prostański D., Rojek P.

S u m m a r y
Designing process, testing and practical application of a solution for the air-water spraying system installed in the KSW-460 longwall shearer, developed at the KOMAG Centre, was presented in the paper. Results of stand tests carried out in the Barbara Experimental Colliery and results from operational tests carried out in Pniówek Colliery were presented. General structure and operational principles of new spraying system were presented.

Structures protecting operators of face mining 
Kalita M., Prostański D., Tokarczyk J., Wyrobek E.

S u m m a r y
Incorporation of new solutions of mining machines and equipment is directly associated with securing a proper safety level to the machines’ operators. Protection of operators against roof falls is one of the methods for increasing operators work safety. According to the standards and legal acts, the self-propelled machines, which operate underground, have to be equipped with protective structures. Legal acts and standards determining the requirements, which are put to the protective structures for operators, which work on machines in underground mine roadways as well as KOMAG’s experience in designing of operator’s protective structures are presented in the paper.