KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology


Innovative solutions for economy.

Research and development centre of organizational and proprietary structure adapted to the market activity in the European Research Area and of the organizational culture creating a friendly climate for generating new ideas and realizing innovative activities, i.e. transforming new ideas into new products.
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Designing of machines and equipment


Laboratory of Applied Tests


Assessment of products' conformity


Projects realized by the KOMAG Institute from European Funds


Article Index

Crown tools – bits of new generation for cutting a compact rock
Kalukiewicz A., Gospodarczyk P., Kotwica K., Łapa D.

S u m m a r y
Mechanical cutting in the underground mining industry is at present the most popular mining method for coal winning and for driving the opening roadways and development roadways. The method consists in direct impact or static pressing of cutting tool on a solid rock. Energy delivered in such a way is used to overcome internal rock cohesive forces. Rock cutting is most popular winning method, which is realized using cutting tools. Tangential-and-rotational bits are used most frequently to cut compact rocks.