KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology


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Wheel-and-rail transport on inclined road-ways with use of emergency braking system  
Krauze K.

S u m m a r y
Phenomenon of uncontrolled movement (self-sliding) of wheel-and-rail transportation vessels is a big problem during the transport of payloads on the inclined roadways. The possibility of counteracting this phenomenon, when disadvantages of applied present solutions are eliminated, was the reason to develop a new way of wheel-and-rail transport with use of braking car, which was used for transportation in LW ‘Bogdanka’. Braking car developed to for requirements in the ‘Kazimierz-Juliusz’ Colliery was the first prototype of this solution. Experience gained so far as well as economical calculations of the undertaking confirm the rightness of assumptions and an achievement of planned effects. The possibility of implementation of braking system operating in LW ‘Bogdanka’ and in other Polish mines was confirmed by the State Mining Authority (GM-107/04).