
Information for Authors

Information for Authors

  1. The Editorial Office accepts original articles, unpublished earlier, of the thematic content in accordance with the journal profile.
  2. The Editorial Office reserves the right to resign from publishing the article if:
  • its subject – matter is not within the journal profile,
  • the article does not obtain positive reviews,
  • the article is incomplete or contains typographic materials of too low quality,
  • the article has not been prepared according to the editorial guidelines.
  1. The Author/Authors are required:
  • to reveal a contribution of individuals in an elaboration of the publication, but the main responsibility for the content of the submitted article is borne by the author delivering it,
  • to show the information about the subjects contributing to a preparation of the publication (thematic, in kind, financial input etc.),
  • to mention the person, whose input in a preparation of the publication has been significant and whose name is not among the authors, he/she should be mentioned in the acknowledgements included in the publication.
  1. An indispensable condition of publishing the article includes conveying the author and proprietary rights by the author/authors to the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology (Application Form).
  2. All the detected cases of ghostwriting or guest authorship will be brought to light, including
    a notification of the appropriate institutions (institutions employing the authors, scientific societies, associations of scientific editors and so on).
  3. The Author/Authors are requested to follow the principles of publishing articles:

7. The volume of the article should not be smaller than 6 but not bigger than 10 editorial pages according to the established magazine template.

8. The text, planned for a publication, should be delivered on the above mentioned template in the editing version, via the website

9. An initial approval of the article is done by the Editorial Office after having checked:

  • the content of the publication original, i.e. whether it contains: author’s/authors’ scientific/professional degrees and titles, author’s/authors’ affiliations, title, abstract, preamble (introduction), formulation of subject-matter in clauses, summary, records of literature (bibliography).
  • Article Application Form.

10.  The Thematic Editor qualifies the article for reviews.

11. Obtaining positive reviews is a condition of approving the article for a publication – see the Reviewing Procedure.

12. A correction of the article reviewed version by the English Language Editor and the Technical Editor is conducted.

13. The Editor – in – Chief approves the article final version for a publication.

Attention: The Editorial Office does not charge any fees for a publishing process and for an approval of the text (APC – Article Processing Charge).

Forms for collection:

Application Form [doc]

Article Template [doc]

Link extension to Item 5 of the Information for Authors.


Ghostwriting barrier

Readers of Mining Machinery can be assured that the authors of the publication present the results of their work clearly, fairly and honestly, whether they are the direct authors or have been assisted by a specialised body.

The editors require the authors of a publication to disclose the contribution of individual authors to the publication (providing their affiliation, i.e. information on who authored the concepts, assumptions, methods, etc. used to prepare the publication), but the primary responsibility lies with the author submitting the article. The editors require information on the sources of funding for the publication, contributions from scientific research institutions, societies and others.